Documents from ACT | The App Association’s industry experts, including white papers, letters, filings, and policy briefs.
10/5/2023-Issue Brief: Why App Developers Care about FTC v. Amazon
1/6/2022- How Government Restrictions on Platform Privacy Measures Could Harm Small App Developers
1/31/2021- The State of the App Economy 2020
10/1/2020- The Impact of Platforms on Software Distribution: What Makes an Ecosystem Work?
03/03/2020- An Economic Analysis of 5G Wireless Deployment: Impact on U.S. and Local Economies
11/11/2019- German Leaderdship in SEP Licensing Workshop 30 September 2019 (EN)
11/11/2019- German Leadership in SEP Licensing Workshop 30 September 2019 (DE)
09/13/2018 – 5G for Main Street America and Small Businesses
08/23/2018 – Deloitte: The App Economy in the U.S.
07/25/2018 – The Symbiotic Relationship Between App Developers and Platforms: A Ten-Year Retrospective
05/07/ 2018 – ACT | The App Association Licensing Guide
04/16/2018 – State of the App Economy 2018
02/12/2018 – GDPR Guide
07/21/2017 – Tax and Tech 101
04/20/2017 – State of the App Economy 2017
01/15/25- ACT 앱협회의 온라인 플랫폼 규제/법률에 대한 대한민국 정부에 보내는 서한
01/15/25- ACT 앱협회의 국회에 보내는 온라인 플랫폼 규제/법률 관련 서한
1/08/25- Welcome Letter to the Polish EU Council Presidency from ACT | The App Association
12/18/24 – ACT | The App Association Statement for the Record: The RESTORE Patent Rights Act: Restoring America’s
Status as the Global IP Leader
12/18/24 – ACT | The App Association Statement for the Record: IP and Strategic Competition with China: Part IV – Patents,
Standards, and Lawfare
10/10/24- Letter from ACT | The App Association to the Congressional Leadership on NIST Funding
08/12/24- Global MSME Sign-On Letter Regarding Merger Policy
06/26/24- ACT | The App Association Letter Regarding American Privacy Rights Act (H.R. 8818)
04/18/24 – MSME Innovator Letter Re: USF Reform Proposal
10/23/23- ACT Comments re 2024 USTR NTE
06/23/23 – Small Business Negative Option NPRM with cosigners
06/23/23 –ACT Comments re FTC Negative Option Rule NPRM
11/21/22 – ACT Comments re FTC ANPR
9/8/2022- ACT Members outline Fall Priorities
9/6/2022- ACT | The App Association Support of Federal Privacy Legislation
2/9/20201- Multi-organization Letter to IEEE-SA Reaffirming Support of its 2015 Patent Policy Statement
2/3/2021- Multi-organization Letter to House and Senate Committees Regarding Standard-Essential Patent Abuse
12/3/2020- ACT | The App Association Letter to IEEE-SA Regarding Support for its 2015 Bylaws Update
3/21/2020- App Association Letter to Congressional Leadership on Broadband Funding and DATA Act
1/20/2020 – CHI Letter to FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn
08/31/2018 – Letter for the Record on Energy and Commerce Facebook Hearing
08/15/2018 – CHI Response to Congressional Health Care Innovation Caucus Request for Information
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative joined 49 connected health stakeholders to request new CPT reimbursement codes for remote monitoring tools.
Members of the House Telehealth Working Group send a letter to Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to urge greater support for digital health tools in the continuum of care.
03/05/2018 – ACT | The App Association Submits Letter to the Federal Communication Commission on 5G Broadband Deployment
ACT | The App Association sent a letter to the FCC in support of the Commission’s efforts to accelerate wireless broadband deployment.
02/12/2018 – ACT | The App Association Submits Letter of Support to House and Senate Sponsors of the CLOUD Act
ACT | The App Association sent a letter to Senators Hatch, Coons, Graham, and Whitehouse, and Representatives Collins, Issa, Jeffries, DelBene, Rutherford, and Marino in support of the Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act of 2018.
o6/29/2017 – ACT | The App Association Submits Letter to House Judiciary Committee Hearing on International Antitrust Trends
ACT | The App Association submitted a letter for the record to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial, and Antitrust Law hearing on recent trends in international antitrust enforcement.
06/16/2017 – ACT | The App Association Submits Letter to the FCC on Television White Space (TVWS) Bands
ACT| The App Association sends a letter urging FCC to use TV White Space bands to drive innovation, 5G build out.
06/13/2017 – ACT | The App Association Submits Letter to House Judiciary Committee Hearing on the TC Heartland v KRAFT Foods case
ACT | The App Association submitted a letter for the record for the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property hearing on the Supreme Court ruling on the TC Heartland LLC v. KRAFT Foods LLC case.
06/12/2017 – ACT | The App Association Submits Letter to the U.S. Trade Representative on NAFTA
ACT | The App Association submitted a letter to the United States Trade Representative (USTR) in response to the public request for comments on negotiating objectives regarding the modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico.
05/24/2017 – For the Record – ACT – Lawful Access – Final & Petition
ACT | The App Association has filed a statement for the record during the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism hearing on law enforcement access to data stored abroad, arguing for the introduction and passage of legislation based on the International Communications Privacy Act (ICPA).
05/22/2017 Connected Health Initiative Submits Letter of Support for House CONNECT for Health Act
The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative submitted a letter of support to Representatives Black. Harper. Thompson, and Welch in support of the CONNECT for Health Act.
05/15/2017 – ACT | The App Association Joins Multi-Association Letter to Chinese Government on Cybersecurity Law
ACT| The App Association joined more than 50 associations to submit a global industry letter to the Cyberspace Administration of China on China’s Cybersecurity Law and related measures.
ACT |The App Association provided comments to the Cybersecurity Administration of China regarding the draft “Measures on Security Assessment of Cross-Border Data Transfer of Personal Information and Important Data” within the recent Cybersecurity Law. (Chinese Version)
ACT| The App Association submitted comments to China’s State Council on its guidelines regarding anti-monopoly enforcement against abuse of intellectual property rights. (Chinese version)
02/12/2025- Testimony of ACT | The App Association on Competition in Digital Ecosystems of Mobile Devices
02/12/2025- Testemunho da ACT | The App Association sobre a Competição em Ecossistemas Digitais de Dispositivos Móveis
02/07/2025- ACT | The App Association’s Comments Re: Promoting Competition in New Zealand
02/05/2025- Comments of ACT | The App Association on NAIAC Public Meeting
01/30/2025- ACT | The App Association’s Public Interest Statement in Case No. 337-TA-1380 (Nokia v. Amazon)
01/22/2025- ACT | The App Association’s Position on the DMA to the Volt Group in the European Parliament
01/15/2025- ACT | The App Association’s Feedback to the First General-Purpose AI Code of Practice
01/10/2025- ACT | The App Association’s Response to the European Commission’s Consultation on Internet Governance
11/22/2024- 返信: ACT | 公正取引委員会による生成AIと競争に関する情報提供と意見の要請に対するThe App Associationのコメント
10/24/2024- Unopposed Motion of ACT | The App Association to File Brief as Amicus Curiae Supporting Defendant-Petitioner
10/04/2024- Comments of ACT | The App Association, Scams Prevention Framework Draft Legislation
10/01/2024- Comments of ACT | The App Association to the OECD’s Public Consultation on AI Risk Thresholds
09/18/2024- ACT | The App Association response to the European Commission’s consultation on its Digital Europe Programme
09/08/2024- ACT | アプリ協会の回答 – スマートフォンソフトウェア競争促進法に関する公正取引委員会の情報提供要請
08/16/2024- Ý kiến của ACT | The App Association về Dự luật Công nghiệp công nghệ số
06/21/2024- ACT | The App Association Comments Re: Statutory Review of the Online Safety Act 2021
06/18/2024- ACT | The App Association Comments on the USPTO Proposed Changes to PTAB Rules of Practice
06/17/2024- ACT | The App Association Comments on USPTO Rule Governing PTAB Rule
06/11/2024- Comments of ACT | The App Association to the Competition Authority of Kenya
5/15/2024- ACT | The App Association Comments on Indian Draft Digital Competition Bill
04/12/2024- Amici Brief 24-1285 – Apple Inc., v. Internation Trade Commission
04/02/2024- Sign-On Letter Re: SolarWinds Enforcement Case
03/29/2024- Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson v. Lenovo, Inc. Amicus Brief
03/28/2024 – Interim Report: Governing AI for Humanity
03/18/2024- Subsidy Taking- Economic and Competitive Aspects of Digital Platforms
03/04/2024- Public Hearing Regarding the 2024 Special 301 Review (Docket Number USTR-2023-0014) Follow-Up Questions
02/20/2024- ACT | The App Association Comments on Proposed Class 5: Computer Programs- Repair
02/20/2024- ACT | The App Association Comments on Proposed Class 4: Computer Programs – Generative AI Research
02/08/2024- ACT | The App Association Call for Evidence – Report on the General Data Protection Regulation
01/12/2024- Comments of ACT | The App Association, Draft Guidance for Processing Biometrics
10/5/2023-ACT| The App Association vastus Eesti
Justiitsministeeriumile Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu määrusele,
mis käsitleb standardi rakendamiseks olulisi patente ja millega muudetakse määrust (EL) 2017/1001
10/5/2023-Odpověď ACT | The App Association ohledně Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví České republiky ohledně Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady
o patentech SEP a o změně stávajících předpisů (EU) 2017/1001
9/11/2023-Réponse de ACT | L’association des applications (App Association) ausecrétaire général aux affaires européennes sur le Règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil relatif aux brevets essentiels standards
et modifiant le règlement (UE) 2017/1001
8/29/2023-Response of ACT | The App Association to the
Belgium Ministry of Economic Affairs on the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on standard essential patents and
amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1001
8/23/2023-Response of ACT | The App Association to the
Ireland Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Employment
on the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on standard essential patents and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/100
8/16/2023–Comments of ACT | The App Association to the Headquarters for Digital Market Competition (DMCH) on its Final Report on Competitive Evaluation on Mobile Ecosystem
8/10/2023-Response of ACT | The App Association to the
European Commission to its Regulation of the European Parliament and of
the Council on standard essential patents and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1001
7/27/2023-Documento expositivo sobre el nuevo marco de la Unión Europea para las patentes esenciales estándar
7/6/2023–Comments of ACT | The App Association to the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy on Request for Information; National
Priorities for Artificial Intelligence (88 FR 34194; OSTP–TECH–2023–0007)
6/23/2023-Ståndpunktsdokument om EU:s nya ram för standardessentiella (väsentliga) patent
6/20/23-Comments of ACT | The App Association on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Changes Under Consideration to Discretionary Institution Practices, Petition Word–Count Limits, and Settlement Practices for America Invents Act Trial Proceedings Before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
6/12/2023-Comments of the Connected Health Initiative to the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration on its AI
Accountability Policy Request for Comment (NTIA–2023–0005)
6/5/2023-Comments of ACT | The App Association to the Office of Science and Technology Policy on its Request for Information re NSPM 33 Research
Security Programs Standard Requirement
5/1/2023–Comments of ACT | The App Association to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on the Digital Equity Act of 2021
2/14/2023–ACCC Digital Platforms – Consultation on Regulatory Reform
2/10/2023 ACT comments to New Zealand Commerce Commission on draft IP/competition guidelines
2/9/2023 Data collection in mobile applications and economic issues – Public consultation questionnaire
2/1/2023 ACT Comments to USPTO Initiative To Ensure The Robustness and Reliability of Patent Rights
1/31/2023 Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records
1/30/2023 Request for Comments and Notice of a Public Hearing Regarding the 2023 Special 301 Review
1/27/2023 Solicitation of Proposals for New and Modified Safe Harbors and Special Fraud Alerts
7/3/2019 Comments of ACT | The App Association to HM Government on its Online Harms White Paper (April 2019)
3/1/2019 RFI Response to Post – U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Labor, Education, and Pensions
08/24/2018 Medicare Program; Request for Information Regarding the Physician Self-Referral Law (CMS-1720-NC)
08/17/2018 ACT | The App Association Amicus Brief to U.S. Supreme Court in Favor of Apple
ACT | The App Association submitted an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in the Apple v. Pepper case.
ACT | The App Association submits Multi-stakeholder Consensus Views to CMS on the Benefits of Remote Monitoring Innovations in the Medicare Program
ACT | The App Association submits comments to USTR concerning India and Indonesia’s eligibility for the Generalized System of Preferences program.
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submitted comments to the Committee on Energy and Commerce in response to request for information (RFI) on how the healthcare sector handles the cybersecurity risks presented by legacy technologies.
ACT | The App Association submitted comments to the Government of India’s Department of Telecommunications’ (DOT) Draft 2018 National Digital Communications Policy.
ACT | The App Association filed a Notice of Ex Parte Communication on meeting with the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) Chairman Ajit Pai.
ACT | The App Association filed a Notice of Ex Parte Communication on meeting with the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) Commissioner Brendan Carr.
ACT | The App Association filed a Notice of Ex Parte Communication on meeting with Nese Guendelsberger, Wireline Legal Advisor to Federal Communications Commission (Commission) Commissioner Clyburn.
ACT | The App Association filed a Notice of Ex Parte Communication on meeting with the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel.
ACT | The App Association filed a Notice of Ex Parte Communication on meeting with the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) Commissioner Michael O’Rielly.
ACT | The App Association submitted comments to the Japan Patent Office (JPO) in response to request for input on its draft Guide to Licensing Negotiations involving Standard Essential Patents (SEPs).
ACT | The App Association submits its views to the Article 29 Working Party (WP29) on the recently adopted Guidelines on Article 49 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679.
ACT | The App Association submits its comments to NHTSA on the removal of barriers to promote the deployment of vehicles with automated driving systems (ADS).
ACT | The App Association submits its comments to the OSTP in response to Notice of Request for Information (RFI) on the development of National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing.
ACT | The App Association applauds the FCC for its leadership in streamlining 5G infrastructure deployment by removing barriers to infrastructure.
ACT | The App Association submits comments in support of its written testimony to the USITC regarding their investigation of foreign digital trade restrictions in both business-to-business and business-to-consumer contexts.
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submitted comments to ONC to inform its efforts related to the implementation of the 21st Century Cures Act’s trusted exchange framework for the Interoperable exchange of Electronic Health Information and common agreement provisions.
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submitted comments to ONC to inform its efforts related to the implementation of the 21st Century Cures Act’s trusted exchange framework, specifically on its Draft U.S. Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) and its proposed expansion process.
ACT | The App Association submits its comments to the United States Copyright Office in response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) concerning Security Research.
ACT | The App Association submits its comments to the United States Copyright Office in response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) concerning Software Preservation.
ACT | The App Association submits its comments to the United States Copyright Office in response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) concerning Jailbreaking.
ACT | The App Association submits its views to NTIA on its draft report and recommendations to the White House on Botnets and Other Automated, Distributed Threats.
ACT | The App Association writes in response to the USTR’s request for comments to inform its 2018 Special 301 Report, which identifies countries that deny adequate and effective protection of intellectual property rights.
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submits comments to the FDA regarding its draft guidance on the scope of its regulatory oversight of clinical decision support (CDS) software intended for healthcare professionals, and patient decision support (PDS) software intended for patients and caregivers who are not healthcare professionals.
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submits comments to the FDA as it considers the effect the amended definition of a medial device within the 21st Century Cures Act (Section 3060), would have on a variety of FDA guidance related to medical device software.
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submits comments in support of efforts by the FCC, articulated in the instant Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order, to address the growing need for broadband connectivity in the healthcare industry.
ACT | The App Association filed comments to the FCC in the matter of promoting investment in the 3550-3700 MHz band.
ACT | The App Association submits its recommendations to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in response to its request for comment on the Consultation Paper on Inputs for Formulation of National Telecom Policy – 2018.
ACT | The App Association submits comments to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on its Framework for Improving critical Cybersecurity Version 1.1 and companion Draft NIST Roadmap for Improving critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Version 1.1.
01/18/2018 – Multi-Stakeholder Amicus Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in Favor of Microsoft
ACT | The App Association joined 12 business and tech stakeholders, including BSA | The Software Alliance, The Center for Democracy & Technology, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Manufacturers, to submit an amicus curiae brief to the Supreme Court in the U.S. v. Microsoft case.
11/22/2017 – ACT | The App Association Comments to the European Commission on its Inception Impact Assessment
ACT | The App Association submitted comments to the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content, and Technology on its Inception Impact Assessment “Fairness in Platform-to-Business Relations”
11/15/2017 – ACT | The App Association Amicus Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in Favor of Greene’s Energy
ACT | The App Association submitted an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in the Oil States v. Green Energy case.
11/13/2017 – ACT | The App Association Comments to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s Consultation Paper
ACT| The App Association submitted comments to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s Consultation Paper on Promoting Local Telecom Equipment Manufacturing.
ACT| The App Association submitted comments to the Japan Patent Office in response to request for input on guidelines for licensing negotiations involving standard essential patents.
09/06/2017 – ACT | The App Association Amicus Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in Favor of Apple
ACT | The App Association submitted an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in the Apple Inc. v Pepper antitrust case.
The Connected Health Initiative submits comments to CMS on their QPP proposed rulemaking.
07/17/2017 – ACT | The App Association Comments to the Federal Communications Commission on Proposed Rule-Making
ACT | The App Association submitted comments to the FCC on proposed rule-making regarding restoring internet freedom.
07/05/2017 – ACT | The App Association Comments to the European Commission Regarding the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield
ACT | The App Association submitted comments to the European Commission to outline comments and experiences under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.
07/03/2017 – ACT | The App Association Comments to the Federal Communications Commission on RoboCalls
ACT | The App Association submits comments to the FCC on Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Unlawful Robocalls
ACT | The App Association submitted an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of California against Qualcomm’s motion to dismiss an enforcement action by the FTC.
05/24/2017 – Connected Health Initiative Comments to the Federal Communications Commission on the Connect2Health Task Force
The Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submits high-level comments to the FCC on broadband healthcare.
05/22/2017 – Connected Health Initiative Comments to ONC on Draft White Paper for Patient Generated Health Data Policy Framework
The Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submits comments to ONC’s Draft White Paper for a PGHD Policy Framework.
05/12/2017 – Amicus Brief in Support of the Federal Trade Commission Respecting Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss
ACT | The App Association outlines the threat posed by standard essential patent (SEP) licensing to innovation, competition, and interoperability for small businesses and startups.
European Union small businesses outline concerns about European standardization policies involving standard essential patents subject to commitments to license on FRAND terms.
04/21/2017 – Comments to the USITC on Barriers to Digital Trade
ACT| The App Association submitted comments to the U.S. International Trade Commission on the impact of barriers to digital trade on the competitiveness of U.S. firms in international markets.
04/21/2017 – Connected Health Initiative Comments to AHRQ on Telehealth for Acute and Chronic Care
The Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submitted comments to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) on the use of telehealth for acute and chronic care consultations.
02/06/2017 – ACT | The App Association Amicus Brief Submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court in Support of TC Heartland
ACT | The App Association submitted an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court for the TC Heartland v. Kraft case, in favor of the Petitioner’s brief against patent litigation forum shopping.
10/8/20- Blumenthal Grassley Tillis QFRs for Morgan Reed
09/25/2018 – Connected Health Initiative Testimony on Access to Healthcare in Rural America
CHI Executive Director Morgan Reed testified before the Senate HELP Committee’s Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security in a hearing titled, “Health Care in Rural America: Examining Experiences and Costs.”
09/13/2018-CHI Testimony before House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health re: Barriers to Value-Based Care
07/11/2018 – ACT | The App Association Testimony on the Importance of Intellectual Property to Digital Tech Small Businesses
ACT | The App Association President Morgan Reed testified before the House Small Business Committee at the hearing titled “Innovation Nation: How Small Businesses in the Digital Technology Industry Use Intellectual Property”
05/15/2018 – ACT | The App Association Testimony on the State of the App Economy
ACT | The App Association President Morgan Reed testified before the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Communication, Technology, Innovation, and the Internet on the app economy and trends in mobile technologies.
11/15/2017 – ACT | The App Association Testimony on Cybersecurity and Information Sharing
ACT | The App Association testified at the House Small Business Committee hearing on Promoting Greater Information Sharing for Stronger Cybersecurity
10/26/2017 –MotionMobs Testimony – Small Business Owners’ Tax Simplification
10/16/2017 – ACT | The App Association on 21st Century Trade Barriers
Protectionist Cross Border Data Flow Policies’ Impact on U.S. Jobs
06/27/2017 – ACT | The App Association at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
Negotiating Objectives Regarding Modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico
10/5/2023-Issue Brief: Why App Developers Care about FTC v. Amazon
1/6/2022- How Government Restrictions on Platform Privacy Measures Could Harm Small App Developers
1/31/2021- The State of the App Economy 2020
10/1/2020- The Impact of Platforms on Software Distribution: What Makes an Ecosystem Work?
03/03/2020- An Economic Analysis of 5G Wireless Deployment: Impact on U.S. and Local Economies
11/11/2019- German Leaderdship in SEP Licensing Workshop 30 September 2019 (EN)
11/11/2019- German Leadership in SEP Licensing Workshop 30 September 2019 (DE)
09/13/2018 – 5G for Main Street America and Small Businesses
08/23/2018 – Deloitte: The App Economy in the U.S.
07/25/2018 – The Symbiotic Relationship Between App Developers and Platforms: A Ten-Year Retrospective
05/07/ 2018 – ACT | The App Association Licensing Guide
04/16/2018 – State of the App Economy 2018
02/12/2018 – GDPR Guide
07/21/2017 – Tax and Tech 101
04/20/2017 – State of the App Economy 2017
12/18/24 – ACT | The App Association Statement for the Record: The RESTORE Patent Rights Act: Restoring America’s
Status as the Global IP Leader
12/18/24 – ACT | The App Association Statement for the Record: IP and Strategic Competition with China: Part IV – Patents,
Standards, and Lawfare
10/10/24- Letter from ACT | The App Association to the Congressional Leadership on NIST Funding
08/12/24- Global MSME Sign-On Letter Regarding Merger Policy
06/26/24- ACT | The App Association Letter Regarding American Privacy Rights Act (H.R. 8818)
04/18/24 – MSME Innovator Letter Re: USF Reform Proposal
10/23/23- ACT Comments re 2024 USTR NTE
06/23/23 – Small Business Negative Option NPRM with cosigners
06/23/23 –ACT Comments re FTC Negative Option Rule NPRM
11/21/22 – ACT Comments re FTC ANPR
9/8/2022- ACT Members outline Fall Priorities
9/6/2022- ACT | The App Association Support of Federal Privacy Legislation
2/9/20201- Multi-organization Letter to IEEE-SA Reaffirming Support of its 2015 Patent Policy Statement
2/3/2021- Multi-organization Letter to House and Senate Committees Regarding Standard-Essential Patent Abuse
12/3/2020- ACT | The App Association Letter to IEEE-SA Regarding Support for its 2015 Bylaws Update
3/21/2020- App Association Letter to Congressional Leadership on Broadband Funding and DATA Act
1/20/2020 – CHI Letter to FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn
08/31/2018 – Letter for the Record on Energy and Commerce Facebook Hearing
08/15/2018 – CHI Response to Congressional Health Care Innovation Caucus Request for Information
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative joined 49 connected health stakeholders to request new CPT reimbursement codes for remote monitoring tools.
Members of the House Telehealth Working Group send a letter to Health and Human Services and Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to urge greater support for digital health tools in the continuum of care.
03/05/2018 – ACT | The App Association Submits Letter to the Federal Communication Commission on 5G Broadband Deployment
ACT | The App Association sent a letter to the FCC in support of the Commission’s efforts to accelerate wireless broadband deployment.
02/12/2018 – ACT | The App Association Submits Letter of Support to House and Senate Sponsors of the CLOUD Act
ACT | The App Association sent a letter to Senators Hatch, Coons, Graham, and Whitehouse, and Representatives Collins, Issa, Jeffries, DelBene, Rutherford, and Marino in support of the Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act of 2018.
o6/29/2017 – ACT | The App Association Submits Letter to House Judiciary Committee Hearing on International Antitrust Trends
ACT | The App Association submitted a letter for the record to the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Regulatory Reform, Commercial, and Antitrust Law hearing on recent trends in international antitrust enforcement.
06/16/2017 – ACT | The App Association Submits Letter to the FCC on Television White Space (TVWS) Bands
ACT| The App Association sends a letter urging FCC to use TV White Space bands to drive innovation, 5G build out.
06/13/2017 – ACT | The App Association Submits Letter to House Judiciary Committee Hearing on the TC Heartland v KRAFT Foods case
ACT | The App Association submitted a letter for the record for the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property hearing on the Supreme Court ruling on the TC Heartland LLC v. KRAFT Foods LLC case.
06/12/2017 – ACT | The App Association Submits Letter to the U.S. Trade Representative on NAFTA
ACT | The App Association submitted a letter to the United States Trade Representative (USTR) in response to the public request for comments on negotiating objectives regarding the modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with Canada and Mexico.
05/24/2017 – For the Record – ACT – Lawful Access – Final & Petition
ACT | The App Association has filed a statement for the record during the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism hearing on law enforcement access to data stored abroad, arguing for the introduction and passage of legislation based on the International Communications Privacy Act (ICPA).
05/22/2017 Connected Health Initiative Submits Letter of Support for House CONNECT for Health Act
The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative submitted a letter of support to Representatives Black. Harper. Thompson, and Welch in support of the CONNECT for Health Act.
05/15/2017 – ACT | The App Association Joins Multi-Association Letter to Chinese Government on Cybersecurity Law
ACT| The App Association joined more than 50 associations to submit a global industry letter to the Cyberspace Administration of China on China’s Cybersecurity Law and related measures.
ACT |The App Association provided comments to the Cybersecurity Administration of China regarding the draft “Measures on Security Assessment of Cross-Border Data Transfer of Personal Information and Important Data” within the recent Cybersecurity Law. (Chinese Version)
ACT| The App Association submitted comments to China’s State Council on its guidelines regarding anti-monopoly enforcement against abuse of intellectual property rights. (Chinese version)
01/10/2025- ACT | The App Association’s Response to the European Commission’s Consultation on Internet Governance
11/22/2024- 返信: ACT | 公正取引委員会による生成AIと競争に関する情報提供と意見の要請に対するThe App Associationのコメント
10/24/2024- Unopposed Motion of ACT | The App Association to File Brief as Amicus Curiae Supporting Defendant-Petitioner
10/04/2024- Comments of ACT | The App Association, Scams Prevention Framework Draft Legislation
10/01/2024- Comments of ACT | The App Association to the OECD’s Public Consultation on AI Risk Thresholds
09/18/2024- ACT | The App Association response to the European Commission’s consultation on its Digital Europe Programme
09/08/2024- ACT | アプリ協会の回答 – スマートフォンソフトウェア競争促進法に関する公正取引委員会の情報提供要請
08/16/2024- Ý kiến của ACT | The App Association về Dự luật Công nghiệp công nghệ số
06/21/2024- ACT | The App Association Comments Re: Statutory Review of the Online Safety Act 2021
06/18/2024- ACT | The App Association Comments on the USPTO Proposed Changes to PTAB Rules of Practice
06/17/2024- ACT | The App Association Comments on USPTO Rule Governing PTAB Rule
06/11/2024- Comments of ACT | The App Association to the Competition Authority of Kenya
5/15/2024- ACT | The App Association Comments on Indian Draft Digital Competition Bill
04/12/2024- Amici Brief 24-1285 – Apple Inc., v. Internation Trade Commission
04/02/2024- Sign-On Letter Re: SolarWinds Enforcement Case
03/29/2024- Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson v. Lenovo, Inc. Amicus Brief
03/28/2024 – Interim Report: Governing AI for Humanity
03/18/2024- Subsidy Taking- Economic and Competitive Aspects of Digital Platforms
03/04/2024- Public Hearing Regarding the 2024 Special 301 Review (Docket Number USTR-2023-0014) Follow-Up Questions
02/20/2024- ACT | The App Association Comments on Proposed Class 5: Computer Programs- Repair
02/20/2024- ACT | The App Association Comments on Proposed Class 4: Computer Programs – Generative AI Research
02/08/2024- ACT | The App Association Call for Evidence – Report on the General Data Protection Regulation
01/12/2024- Comments of ACT | The App Association, Draft Guidance for Processing Biometrics
10/5/2023-ACT| The App Association vastus Eesti
Justiitsministeeriumile Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu määrusele,
mis käsitleb standardi rakendamiseks olulisi patente ja millega muudetakse määrust (EL) 2017/1001
10/5/2023-Odpověď ACT | The App Association ohledně Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví České republiky ohledně Nařízení Evropského parlamentu a Rady
o patentech SEP a o změně stávajících předpisů (EU) 2017/1001
9/11/2023-Réponse de ACT | L’association des applications (App Association) ausecrétaire général aux affaires européennes sur le Règlement du Parlement européen et du Conseil relatif aux brevets essentiels standards
et modifiant le règlement (UE) 2017/1001
8/29/2023-Response of ACT | The App Association to the
Belgium Ministry of Economic Affairs on the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on standard essential patents and
amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1001
8/23/2023-Response of ACT | The App Association to the
Ireland Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Employment
on the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on standard essential patents and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/100
8/16/2023–Comments of ACT | The App Association to the Headquarters for Digital Market Competition (DMCH) on its Final Report on Competitive Evaluation on Mobile Ecosystem
8/10/2023-Response of ACT | The App Association to the
European Commission to its Regulation of the European Parliament and of
the Council on standard essential patents and amending Regulation (EU) 2017/1001
7/27/2023-Documento expositivo sobre el nuevo marco de la Unión Europea para las patentes esenciales estándar
7/6/2023–Comments of ACT | The App Association to the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy on Request for Information; National
Priorities for Artificial Intelligence (88 FR 34194; OSTP–TECH–2023–0007)
6/23/2023-Ståndpunktsdokument om EU:s nya ram för standardessentiella (väsentliga) patent
6/20/23-Comments of ACT | The App Association on the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s Changes Under Consideration to Discretionary Institution Practices, Petition Word–Count Limits, and Settlement Practices for America Invents Act Trial Proceedings Before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board
6/12/2023-Comments of the Connected Health Initiative to the National
Telecommunications and Information Administration on its AI
Accountability Policy Request for Comment (NTIA–2023–0005)
6/5/2023-Comments of ACT | The App Association to the Office of Science and Technology Policy on its Request for Information re NSPM 33 Research
Security Programs Standard Requirement
5/1/2023–Comments of ACT | The App Association to the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) on the Digital Equity Act of 2021
2/14/2023–ACCC Digital Platforms – Consultation on Regulatory Reform
2/10/2023 ACT comments to New Zealand Commerce Commission on draft IP/competition guidelines
2/9/2023 Data collection in mobile applications and economic issues – Public consultation questionnaire
2/1/2023 ACT Comments to USPTO Initiative To Ensure The Robustness and Reliability of Patent Rights
1/31/2023 Confidentiality of Substance Use Disorder Patient Records
1/30/2023 Request for Comments and Notice of a Public Hearing Regarding the 2023 Special 301 Review
1/27/2023 Solicitation of Proposals for New and Modified Safe Harbors and Special Fraud Alerts
7/3/2019 Comments of ACT | The App Association to HM Government on its Online Harms White Paper (April 2019)
3/1/2019 RFI Response to Post – U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Labor, Education, and Pensions
08/24/2018 Medicare Program; Request for Information Regarding the Physician Self-Referral Law (CMS-1720-NC)
08/17/2018 ACT | The App Association Amicus Brief to U.S. Supreme Court in Favor of Apple
ACT | The App Association submitted an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in the Apple v. Pepper case.
ACT | The App Association submits Multi-stakeholder Consensus Views to CMS on the Benefits of Remote Monitoring Innovations in the Medicare Program
ACT | The App Association submits comments to USTR concerning India and Indonesia’s eligibility for the Generalized System of Preferences program.
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submitted comments to the Committee on Energy and Commerce in response to request for information (RFI) on how the healthcare sector handles the cybersecurity risks presented by legacy technologies.
ACT | The App Association submitted comments to the Government of India’s Department of Telecommunications’ (DOT) Draft 2018 National Digital Communications Policy.
ACT | The App Association filed a Notice of Ex Parte Communication on meeting with the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) Chairman Ajit Pai.
ACT | The App Association filed a Notice of Ex Parte Communication on meeting with the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) Commissioner Brendan Carr.
ACT | The App Association filed a Notice of Ex Parte Communication on meeting with Nese Guendelsberger, Wireline Legal Advisor to Federal Communications Commission (Commission) Commissioner Clyburn.
ACT | The App Association filed a Notice of Ex Parte Communication on meeting with the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel.
ACT | The App Association filed a Notice of Ex Parte Communication on meeting with the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) Commissioner Michael O’Rielly.
ACT | The App Association submitted comments to the Japan Patent Office (JPO) in response to request for input on its draft Guide to Licensing Negotiations involving Standard Essential Patents (SEPs).
ACT | The App Association submits its views to the Article 29 Working Party (WP29) on the recently adopted Guidelines on Article 49 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016/679.
ACT | The App Association submits its comments to NHTSA on the removal of barriers to promote the deployment of vehicles with automated driving systems (ADS).
ACT | The App Association submits its comments to the OSTP in response to Notice of Request for Information (RFI) on the development of National Strategic Plan for Advanced Manufacturing.
ACT | The App Association applauds the FCC for its leadership in streamlining 5G infrastructure deployment by removing barriers to infrastructure.
ACT | The App Association submits comments in support of its written testimony to the USITC regarding their investigation of foreign digital trade restrictions in both business-to-business and business-to-consumer contexts.
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submitted comments to ONC to inform its efforts related to the implementation of the 21st Century Cures Act’s trusted exchange framework for the Interoperable exchange of Electronic Health Information and common agreement provisions.
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submitted comments to ONC to inform its efforts related to the implementation of the 21st Century Cures Act’s trusted exchange framework, specifically on its Draft U.S. Core Data for Interoperability (USCDI) and its proposed expansion process.
ACT | The App Association submits its comments to the United States Copyright Office in response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) concerning Security Research.
ACT | The App Association submits its comments to the United States Copyright Office in response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) concerning Software Preservation.
ACT | The App Association submits its comments to the United States Copyright Office in response to its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPR) concerning Jailbreaking.
ACT | The App Association submits its views to NTIA on its draft report and recommendations to the White House on Botnets and Other Automated, Distributed Threats.
ACT | The App Association writes in response to the USTR’s request for comments to inform its 2018 Special 301 Report, which identifies countries that deny adequate and effective protection of intellectual property rights.
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submits comments to the FDA regarding its draft guidance on the scope of its regulatory oversight of clinical decision support (CDS) software intended for healthcare professionals, and patient decision support (PDS) software intended for patients and caregivers who are not healthcare professionals.
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submits comments to the FDA as it considers the effect the amended definition of a medial device within the 21st Century Cures Act (Section 3060), would have on a variety of FDA guidance related to medical device software.
ACT | The App Association’s Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submits comments in support of efforts by the FCC, articulated in the instant Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and Order, to address the growing need for broadband connectivity in the healthcare industry.
ACT | The App Association filed comments to the FCC in the matter of promoting investment in the 3550-3700 MHz band.
ACT | The App Association submits its recommendations to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) in response to its request for comment on the Consultation Paper on Inputs for Formulation of National Telecom Policy – 2018.
ACT | The App Association submits comments to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) on its Framework for Improving critical Cybersecurity Version 1.1 and companion Draft NIST Roadmap for Improving critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity Version 1.1.
01/18/2018 – Multi-Stakeholder Amicus Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in Favor of Microsoft
ACT | The App Association joined 12 business and tech stakeholders, including BSA | The Software Alliance, The Center for Democracy & Technology, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the National Association of Manufacturers, to submit an amicus curiae brief to the Supreme Court in the U.S. v. Microsoft case.
11/22/2017 – ACT | The App Association Comments to the European Commission on its Inception Impact Assessment
ACT | The App Association submitted comments to the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content, and Technology on its Inception Impact Assessment “Fairness in Platform-to-Business Relations”
11/15/2017 – ACT | The App Association Amicus Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in Favor of Greene’s Energy
ACT | The App Association submitted an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in the Oil States v. Green Energy case.
11/13/2017 – ACT | The App Association Comments to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s Consultation Paper
ACT| The App Association submitted comments to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India’s Consultation Paper on Promoting Local Telecom Equipment Manufacturing.
ACT| The App Association submitted comments to the Japan Patent Office in response to request for input on guidelines for licensing negotiations involving standard essential patents.
09/06/2017 – ACT | The App Association Amicus Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in Favor of Apple
ACT | The App Association submitted an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in the Apple Inc. v Pepper antitrust case.
The Connected Health Initiative submits comments to CMS on their QPP proposed rulemaking.
07/17/2017 – ACT | The App Association Comments to the Federal Communications Commission on Proposed Rule-Making
ACT | The App Association submitted comments to the FCC on proposed rule-making regarding restoring internet freedom.
07/05/2017 – ACT | The App Association Comments to the European Commission Regarding the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield
ACT | The App Association submitted comments to the European Commission to outline comments and experiences under the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield.
07/03/2017 – ACT | The App Association Comments to the Federal Communications Commission on RoboCalls
ACT | The App Association submits comments to the FCC on Notice of Proposed Rulemaking on Unlawful Robocalls
ACT | The App Association submitted an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. District Court in the Northern District of California against Qualcomm’s motion to dismiss an enforcement action by the FTC.
05/24/2017 – Connected Health Initiative Comments to the Federal Communications Commission on the Connect2Health Task Force
The Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submits high-level comments to the FCC on broadband healthcare.
05/22/2017 – Connected Health Initiative Comments to ONC on Draft White Paper for Patient Generated Health Data Policy Framework
The Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submits comments to ONC’s Draft White Paper for a PGHD Policy Framework.
05/12/2017 – Amicus Brief in Support of the Federal Trade Commission Respecting Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss
ACT | The App Association outlines the threat posed by standard essential patent (SEP) licensing to innovation, competition, and interoperability for small businesses and startups.
European Union small businesses outline concerns about European standardization policies involving standard essential patents subject to commitments to license on FRAND terms.
04/21/2017 – Comments to the USITC on Barriers to Digital Trade
ACT| The App Association submitted comments to the U.S. International Trade Commission on the impact of barriers to digital trade on the competitiveness of U.S. firms in international markets.
04/21/2017 – Connected Health Initiative Comments to AHRQ on Telehealth for Acute and Chronic Care
The Connected Health Initiative (CHI) submitted comments to the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) on the use of telehealth for acute and chronic care consultations.
02/06/2017 – ACT | The App Association Amicus Brief Submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court in Support of TC Heartland
ACT | The App Association submitted an amicus curiae brief to the U.S. Supreme Court for the TC Heartland v. Kraft case, in favor of the Petitioner’s brief against patent litigation forum shopping.
10/8/20- Blumenthal Grassley Tillis QFRs for Morgan Reed
09/25/2018 – Connected Health Initiative Testimony on Access to Healthcare in Rural America
CHI Executive Director Morgan Reed testified before the Senate HELP Committee’s Subcommittee on Primary Health and Retirement Security in a hearing titled, “Health Care in Rural America: Examining Experiences and Costs.”
09/13/2018-CHI Testimony before House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Health re: Barriers to Value-Based Care
07/11/2018 – ACT | The App Association Testimony on the Importance of Intellectual Property to Digital Tech Small Businesses
ACT | The App Association President Morgan Reed testified before the House Small Business Committee at the hearing titled “Innovation Nation: How Small Businesses in the Digital Technology Industry Use Intellectual Property”
05/15/2018 – ACT | The App Association Testimony on the State of the App Economy
ACT | The App Association President Morgan Reed testified before the Senate Commerce Subcommittee on Communication, Technology, Innovation, and the Internet on the app economy and trends in mobile technologies.
11/15/2017 – ACT | The App Association Testimony on Cybersecurity and Information Sharing
ACT | The App Association testified at the House Small Business Committee hearing on Promoting Greater Information Sharing for Stronger Cybersecurity
10/26/2017 –MotionMobs Testimony – Small Business Owners’ Tax Simplification
10/16/2017 – ACT | The App Association on 21st Century Trade Barriers
Protectionist Cross Border Data Flow Policies’ Impact on U.S. Jobs
06/27/2017 – ACT | The App Association at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative
Negotiating Objectives Regarding Modernization of the North American Free Trade Agreement with Canada and Mexico