This year, the State of the Net Conference focused on the changing policy landscape under the new Trump Administration. Many key policy advocates gathered to discuss artificial intelligence, updates to internet governance, and other key topics for advocates working with tech businesses. ACT | The App Association contributed to the conference through my Lightning Talk, titled “Free Flow of Information Shaped the Internet. What Happens When that Information is Restricted?”

The App Association has long supported digital trade policies that support the free flow of information across borders, oppose discriminatory foreign regulations, and ensure companies have access to key markets for their goods and services. My talk laid out the importance of digital trade, the key principles that underlie the current state of free digital trade, and some of the risks if free digital trade is no longer a priority.

With trade in digitally delivered services topping $4.5 trillion each year—and growing faster than any other trade sector—the need for strong policies to protect digital trade is more important than ever. The United States exports nearly $650 billion in digitally delivered services every year, driving a huge section of the economy. We must urge Congress and the Trump Administration to oppose forced source code transfer, protect cross-border data flows, oppose forced data localization mandates, and oppose discriminatory foreign regulations.

I highlighted the many ways that free digital trade is a win for the United States, including by ensuring our position of global leadership, pushing back on foreign adversaries, and opening new markets to U.S. businesses. However, there are some risks on the horizon for digital trade, including the Administration’s preference for tariffs over trade negotiations and a general tendency toward isolationism and protectionism.

For a deeper look at my talk, check out my slide presentation here or watch the video here.