Always Be Filing: ACT | The App Association and Connected Health Initiative Filing Activity

  October 2024 Throughout the year, our policy team submits filings with government bodies worldwide to advocate for a regulatory environment that inspires and rewards innovation. From issues around regulating artificial intelligence to digital trade, our team is ACTive on a wide range of topics that could have a positive [...]

A Scroll Down Memory Lane: October 2024’s Member Mondays

ACT | The App Association’s members are at the forefront of innovation, leveraging technology to create meaningful solutions that drive positive change. Each month, we spotlight these trailblazing small businesses through our Member Monday series. In honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, October’s featured members spotlight the tools, resources, and innovations [...]

New UK Government Department Aims to Cut Red Tape

The UK government has announced a new department, the Regulatory Innovation Office (RIO). The department, housed under the Department for Science, Innovation, and Technology (DSIT), aims to ‘reduce the burden of red tape and speed up access to new technologies that improve our daily lives – from AI [artificial intelligence] [...]

Statement from ACT | The App Association UK Country Manager Stephen Tulip regarding the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)’s decision on Amazon’s £3 billion investment into Anthropic

Oct 2, 2024 — Today, ACT | The App Association released a statement from Stephen Tulip regarding the UK Competition and Markets Authority (CMA)’s decision on Amazon’s £3 billion investment into Anthropic: ‘Success for a startup or small business can take many forms, including partnerships or being acquired by a larger [...]

By |2024-10-03T10:13:35-04:00October 3rd, 2024|News, Statement, United Kingdom|

A Scroll Down Memory Lane: September 2024’s Member Mondays

ACT | The App Association’s members are at the forefront of innovation, leveraging technology to create meaningful solutions that drive positive change. Each month, we spotlight these trailblazing small businesses through our Member Monday series. Throughout September, or SEPstember as we like to call it, we introduced you to a [...]

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