Event Recap: Future of SEP Regulation

Both patents and technical standards are essential for modern innovation. Patents represent a nation’s dedication to incentivizing hard work and creativity to create new solutions. Standard-essential patents (SEPs) are a unique category of patents that enable standardized invention, giving SEP holders great power, and great responsibility. Unfortunately, SEP holders have [...]

Event Recap – Empathy Engine: Understanding Accessibility Tech and the Policies Impacting It

The accessibility tech space is booming with innovative solutions that transform users’ lives. But with policymakers from both sides of the aisle having shifted their targets for new regulation to tech-driven sectors, accessibility is unlikely to be an exception. This fireside chat exploredexciting accessibility tech tools and took a deep [...]

By |2023-10-05T11:17:27-04:00October 5th, 2023|Amplify, App Economy, Blog, Connect health, IoT, Policy, Trends|

Standard Essential-Patents (SEPs) in the UK

Summary The current SEP licensing landscape furthers the interests of a few large international SEP holders, while creating disproportionate barriers to the innovation ambitions of small businesses in the United Kingdom (UK).  New survey data and UK High Court findings have demonstrated the urgent need for action to protect the [...]

What the UK Government Can Do to Encourage Competition and Innovation in the Standard-Essential Patent Ecosystem

One of our goals here at ACT | The App Association is preserving and promoting innovation while encouraging a healthy and robust standards ecosystem and ensuring that our members’ voices are part of the policy discussions around these topics is a crucial part of our efforts. A balanced intellectual property [...]

By |2022-03-11T10:22:28-05:00March 11th, 2022|Blog, FRAND, Innovation and IP, IoT, Manufacturing, Patents, United Kingdom|

What Tech SMEs Should Know About the European Commission’s Consultation on SEPs

Internet of things (IoT) innovators across the European Union (EU) have long advocated for the need for EU-wide legislation concerning standard-essential patents (SEPs)—the patents that enable the use of standard technologies like Wi-Fi, 4G, and 5G. Recently, the European Commission launched a public consultation to assess the existing issues around [...]

By |2022-03-11T10:31:27-05:00March 11th, 2022|Blog, European Union, FRAND, Innovation and IP, IoT, Manufacturing, Patents|
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