What’s the Cost of Trading Away our Comparative Advantage in Tech?

American policymakers are grappling with substantial political pressure to “rein in” some of our most successful online marketplaces. The smartphone-driven entry of social media platforms like Facebook, curated online retail marketplaces like Amazon’s, software platforms like the major app stores, and search platforms like Google’s has brought with it a [...]

By |2023-03-24T11:30:05-04:00March 24th, 2023|Blog, Competition|

Don’t Harm Children in an Effort to Promote Competition in a Competitive Marketplace

Today, the Senate Judiciary Committee’s antitrust subcommittee is having a hearing to discuss two bills that would "rein in" app stores and disallow regular protections for consumers. We filed a statement for the record for this hearing, highlighting a few reasons why those bills—the Open App Markets Act (OAMA, H.R. [...]

By |2023-03-07T15:32:12-05:00March 7th, 2023|Blog, Competition|

ACTivists for Change: 118th Congress ACT | The App Association’s Member Priorities

ACT | The App Association members are innovative small businesses changing how we live, work, and play through apps and connected technology. Our members continue to lead the next generation of trailblazers, working to solve problems and fill gaps across industries, and they’re harnessing the power of the app economy [...]

Global ACTivists for Change: An Open Letter to Leaders Around the World

The global members of ACT | The App Association are innovative small businesses and enterprises changing the way we live, work, and play through apps and connected technology. Our members are leading the next generation of trailblazers working to solve problems and fill gaps across industries—from healthcare and education to [...]

Tech has a trust issue, not an antitrust problem

Earlier this week, President Biden wrote an op-ed calling for regulation of the tech industry—starting with strong privacy protections for consumers. On the one hand, the President’s focus on privacy is welcome, because unexpected uses of data are among the most common and insidious ways that bad actors violate consumer [...]

By |2023-01-13T14:24:14-05:00January 13th, 2023|Blog, Competition|
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