ACT, the trade association representing the app industry, today released a new study showing that 87% of the top app companies are small businesses, and that American developers are making serious inroads into the Chinese market.

The study conducted by ACT also found that app companies are finding success throughout the United States. Although California continues to be a popular home for developers, 58% of the top app makers reside outside the state. The remaining distribution of app makers is fairly evenly spread out between the Northeast (18%), South (18%) and West (15%). The study also revealed that, while the presence of Chinese app companies is growing in the U.S. marketplace, American companies occupy 22% of the top-ranked apps in China.

“The app marketplace is quickly expanding and creating opportunity all across America,” said ACT executive director Morgan Reed. “The massive growth of startups and the rapid emergence of new business models demonstrate that the app economy is strong and will be an economic force for years to come. These findings confirm what we’ve been hearing in our meetings with app developers across the country. Small app companies are finding success with innovative new technologies, reaching foreign markets and creating jobs here at home”.

ACT will be presenting these findings to Congress when Morgan Reed will be testifying at tomorrow’s House Commerce Committee hearing on: Where the Jobs Are: Moving the Economy with Mobile Apps.

The full study, titled “Apps Across America,” can be found at

Tomorrow’s House Commerce Committee hearing will be webcast here,