Throughout the year, our policy team submits filings with government bodies worldwide to advocate for a regulatory environment that inspires and rewards innovation. From issues around regulating artificial intelligence to digital trade, our team is ACTive on a wide range of topics that could have a positive or negative impact on our small business members driving the app economy. Below is a roundup of our filings from around the globe this past month.


Title: Targeted Consultation on Internet Governance

Entity: European Commission DG CONNECT

Jurisdiction: European Union

Summary: The European Commission launched a consultation on the development of an EU strategy on the multistakeholder governance of the internet. The App Association responded to the EC’s survey, highlighting the benefits of a free and open internet and the threats to the digital ecosystem that could arise from the Digital Markets Act (DMA) and other policies.

Filed: January 14, 2025

Title: Second Draft EU General-Purpose AI Code of Practice

Entity: AI Office

Jurisdiction: European Union

Summary: The App Association submitted feedback to the EU AI Office’s second draft of its EU general-purpose AI Code of Practice. In its comments, the App Association urged the AI Office to make obligations under the code scale with the size and risk of artificial intelligence (AI) applications and to simplify compliance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Filed: January 16, 2025

Title: Subsidy Call for Artificial Intelligence

Entity: Autoridade Nacional de Protecao de Dados (ANPD)

Jurisdiction: Brazil

Summary: The App Association filed responses to ANPD ‘s survey about the application of Brazil’s general data protection law to AI services, highlighting the importance of risk-based approaches and technology-neutral application of privacy regulations.

Filed: January 24, 2025

Title: 2025 Special 301 Review, Public Hearing and Request for Comments

Entity: United States Trade Representative (USTR)

Jurisdiction: United States

Summary: The App Association joined a multi-stakeholder letter responding to USTR’s request for comments as part of its Special 301 Review of international trade barriers. The letter discusses the importance of standard-essential patents (SEPs) and the need for U.S. trade partners to adopt policies that fight back against SEP abuses.

Filed: January 27, 2025

Title: ACT | The App Association’s Public Interest Statement in Case No. 337-TA-1380 (Nokia v. Amazon)

Entity: United States International Trade Commission (USITC)

Jurisdiction: United States

Summary: The App Association filed a public interest statement with USITC in its ongoing proceedings regarding the Nokia v. Amazon case. The App Association urged USITC to fully consider the potential harmful impacts on the SEP licensing landscape and U.S. competitiveness of issuing an exclusion order in the case.

Filed: January 30, 2025

Title: Comments of ACT | The App Association to CRC Regarding ‘Study on the role of “Over the Top” OTT services in Colombia – 2024’

Entity: Comisión de Regulación de Comunicaciones (CRC)

Jurisdiction: Colombia

Summary: The App Association filed comments to Colombia’s telecommunications regulator CRC’s study of the role of “over the top” services in the country. The App Association warned in particular of the unintended consequences of creating new fees for OTT providers, as those costs would likely be passed on to users of those services, including app developers and their customers.

Filed: January 31, 2025

Title: ACT | The App Association’s Response to the European Commission regarding its Consultation on the Single Market Strategy for 2025

Entity: European Commission

Jurisdiction: EU

Summary: The App Association submitted comments to the European Commission as part of its consultation on its strategy for the European Single Market in 2025. The App Association highlighted ways to promote SME innovation in the Single Market, strengthen investment and capital markets, optimize the EU’s intellectual property framework, harmonize rules for emerging technologies like AI, preserve market access and competitiveness for SMEs, and enhance digital infrastructure and connectivity.

Filed: January 31, 2025