Hungary’s tech startup scene stands out in the EU for several reasons, including its significantly lower cost of operational expenses, highly skilled workforce, and proactive government support through tax incentives and streamlined regulations. In light of the positive impact of the policies that established Hungary as one of the EU’s most thriving tech hubs, we hope to see similar strategies and policies implemented on a broader scale as Hungary takes over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

Recognising that Hungary’s leadership will be highly influential in shaping policies that impact all Member States, we sent a welcome letter to the Hungarian Presidency highlighting the priorities of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the app ecosystem. In our letter, we highlight key areas where we believe collaboration can drive positive outcomes. Some of those include:

    • Simplifying Regulations for SMEs: SMEs thrive with less red tape. We urge the Hungarian Presidency to promote a balanced regulatory environment that reduces compliance costs and focuses on innovation and growth. Simplified regulations help SMEs compete effectively.
    • Ensuring Fair Licensing of Standard-Essential Patents (SEPs): We ask for the prioritisation of and support for the EU SEP Regulation to create a fair and transparent SEP licensing framework. This is vital for SMEs to navigate SEP negotiations and foster innovation without being overburdened.
    • Enhancing Digital Infrastructure: We support the expansion of digital networks across Europe but ask to avoid imposing network fees on content providers. This ensures a more connected ecosystem without placing undue financial burdens on SMEs.

By taking these steps, the Hungarian Presidency can significantly support SMEs and foster a competitive and innovative digital economy.

To read the full letter, follow the language-specific links below:

Letter in English

Letter in Hungarian