The Association for Competitive Technology applauds today’s House passage of H.R. 628, the Patent Pilot Program, which will serve to educate judges about patent law and some of the technical issues that arise in claims before federal court. Jonathan Zuck, president of the Association for Competitive Technology, issued the following statement in support of the bill:

“I applaud the leadership shown by Congressman Darrell Issa to help address the problem of congestion in our patent system.  The pilot program initiated by the bill will help judges identify some of the meritless lawsuits that bog down our patent courts.  While innovators will continue to be wary of bad actors who abuse the patent system, less time spent in court defending against frivolous claims means more resources to invest in innovation and job creation.”

H.R. 628 passed the House by a vote of 371-1 this afternoon.  Since an identical version of the bill passed the Senate earlier this week, today’s House passage means the bill will head to the President’s desk where he is expected to sign it and enact it into law.