If cloud computing is vulnerable (as I previously blogged) then there may be a product to the rescue. Last week TrendMicro introduced an update to its Deep Security product that offers protection for the entire server–the OS, network and applications layers.

Larry Magid at CNET News interviewed TrendMicro's CEO Eva Chen in this article:

She acknowledged that servers are typically protected by a firewall, an intrusion detection system (IDS), and an intrusion prevention system (IPS). "But now people are doing virtualization," Chen said. "And once you do virtualization, the server can move from one network center to another network center or move from your own data center to a public data center, and therefore the server is not just behind the firewall all the time. It needs to protect itself."

Larry also had this to say about his own personal experiences:

As a small site owner, I understand the need. SafeKids.com, which is a WordPress blog I maintain, was attacked a couple of years ago due to a security flaw in a template I was using. The attacker embedded hidden links to sites that offered male enhancement products. I discovered the problem when I was embarrassed by Google Viagra ads appearing on my site. I don't have anything against Viagra, but the ads weren't appropriate for a site that focuses on Internet safety for children. Google, which places ads that are related to the site's content, was fooled into thinking that my site covered male enhancement rather than children's safety. Chen said that TrendMicro is exploring technology that could protect sites like mine by alerting owners to potential problems as soon as they occur.

Online holiday sites are expected to see sales increase 8%. They need a secure environment if consumers are to feel comfortable when purchasing online.