It’s not just the fourteenth day in March anymore!  Congress is recognizing March 14th for its mathematical significance as Pi (3.14-ish) in an effort to promote the importance of math and science education to a knowledge-based economy and American competitiveness. (Did you know that children who perform well in math and the sciences have higher graduation and college attendance rates? And that American kids are competitive in math and science in elementary school, but by middle school are outperformed consistently by students in other countries?)

Pi Day encourages schools and educators to focus on activities that teach students about Pi, engage them in the study of mathematics, and provide relatable examples of how math and science education is a significant factor in future success.

We must be committed to providing all of our students with a world-class STEM education, finding ways to reinforce the marvel and excitement of math and science, and teaching students about how excelling at math and science relates to a variety of hobbies and careers, including music, fashion, and sports.

ACT has long celebrated Pi Day with the with the gluttonous devouring of pies; now that it’s official we suggest that you do the same.

Two additional fun somewhat-related facts:

1. The bill number for the recognition of Pi Day is the square-rootable 224 (2*2=4)
2. Square Root Day was on March 3 (3/3/09)