The Washington Post writes that “

[e]ven if high-speed Internet service was available to the entire nation, about one-third of Americans not currently using broadband still wouldn't because of the expense, according to a report released yesterday by the Pew Internet & American Life Project.  The report was based on two surveys of 4,254 people last year and illustrates a potential hang-up in President Obama's goal to bring broadband Internet to rural and other underserved areas: If they build it, it's not clear that people will come.”

Gamasutra has an interesting post on the state of video game regulation.

According to, “[t]he official Web site has been online barely a day and already it is raising questions about the Obama administration's refresh.  While the new site has won praise for pledging to uphold President Obama's commitment to open government, geek tech sites found themselves debating whether the site actually followed Web search best practices.”

In a different article, speculates on the features of the rumored next-generation T-Mobile G2 phone. wonders how much Google will “benefit from cost cuts.”