Who’s Going Mobile (on the Internet)?

We all know those "hyper-users" that are constantly connected with their cell phones, smartphones, or other mobile device. Often, they're the person next to you on the metro or standing in line. Often, they're young. And according to a new Pew report, most of these young hyper-users are young Latinos [...]

By |2016-12-21T00:14:50-05:00December 1st, 2009|Blog|

Help Us Keep the Broadband Taxman At Bay

As the Wall Street Journal highlighted on today's editorial page, the Internet Access Tax Moratorium is set to expire on November 1st and the Taxman is ready to "cometh." The Internet Tax Freedom Act, enacted in 1998 and since extended twice, prevents multiple and discriminatory taxes on the Internet. In [...]

By |2016-12-21T00:15:22-05:00September 26th, 2007|Blog|
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