FLOSSers: Faster, Richer…and Better Looking?

In section 7.3, the EC FLOSS Report tells us that firms working on FLOSS are not only faster, they’re also richer. Geez, faster and richer? Are they better looking too? Yet despite the authors’ assertions, I’m not sure we should be green with FLOSS envy just yet. The authors are [...]

By |2016-12-21T00:15:32-05:00March 20th, 2007|Blog|

FLOSS: The Software Hare that Beats the Proprietary Turtle?

Here’s another installment in our series of blog posts analyzing the European Commission’s free/libre and open source software (FLOSS) report. In prior posts, we’ve discussed how the report is a call to action for Europe’s policymakers, that FLOSS’s popularity is growing, and that many FLOSS developers live in the EU. [...]

By |2016-12-21T00:15:33-05:00March 6th, 2007|Blog|
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