Nanotechnology to replace disk drives within the next decade?

Slashdot writes that “[a]n Arizona State University researcher named Michael Kozicki claims that nanotechnology will replace disk drives in ten years. The article mentions three approaches: Nanowires (which replace electrons/capacitors), multiple memory layers on silicon (instead of a single layer), and a method that stores multiple pieces of information in [...]

By |2007-11-02T21:39:09-04:00November 2nd, 2007|Blog, Uncategorized|

Breaking News: A Corporation Competing With Microsoft is Concerned That It Can’t Use Microsoft’s Property Without Paying for It.

An article on c|net yesterday exclaimed that “Red Hat voices concern over Microsoft patent Model”.  Apparently, Red Hat is not altogether satisfied with Neelie Kroes’s announcement that Microsoft would offer a licensing discount of over 99.3% for patents related to interoperability.  Presumably, nothing short of $0 would suffice. Is this [...]

By |2007-10-26T18:04:56-04:00October 26th, 2007|Blog, Uncategorized|

European Union vies with United States to attract highly skilled foreigners

CNet News writes that “[t]he European Union's new proposal aimed at fast-tracking the immigration process for workers in ‘highly skilled’ [occupations] is making some U.S. technology heavyweights nervous.  It's no secret that American tech firms prize vast quantities of H-1B temporary visas and permanent residency permits, otherwise known as green [...]

By |2007-10-25T21:05:00-04:00October 25th, 2007|Blog, Uncategorized|
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