Health Care and Entrepreneurialism

Over at the Kauffman Foundation’s entrepreneurship blog, Jonathan Ortmans has a post about “unlocking entrepreneurship through health care reform” wherein he writes about how the employer-provided healthcare system constrains entrepreneurialism, as it’s too expensive to provide for employees and generally too expensive for employees of small firms to buy on [...]

By |2016-12-21T00:14:55-05:00May 27th, 2009|Blog, Uncategorized|

ACT Submits Response in EC Browser Case: Why Independent Software Developers Care

Yesterday, the Association for Competitive Technology submitted its official response to the European Commission’s Statement of Objections regarding Microsoft’s integration of Internet Explorer into the Windows operating system.  While the Statement of Objections itself and much of the process around it is confidential, we wanted to share the basic reasons [...]

By |2016-12-21T00:14:55-05:00May 26th, 2009|Blog, Uncategorized|
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