ACT Comments on FTC/MS Passport Order

Federal Trade Commission, Office of the Secretary Via Electronic and First Class Mail RE: File No. 012-3240 Dear Mr. Secretary: The Association for Competitive Technology (ACT) is submitting the following comments in support of thesConsent Order entered into between the Commission and Microsoft Corporation in File No. 012 3240 and [...]

By |2006-06-19T11:05:34-04:00June 19th, 2006|Uncategorized|

ACT Analysis of the Microsoft/DOJ Proposed Settlement

In the past few days, many have stepped up to attack the settlement agreement between Microsoft and the Department of Justice. Yet, while nearly all the critics are representatives of Microsoft's multibillion dollar competitors, few had even read the agreement and fewer still understand the realities of the rulings of [...]

By |2006-06-19T10:55:14-04:00June 19th, 2006|Uncategorized|

Letter to NCECICAI on Orbitz

Richard J. Fahy, Jr. Executive Director, National Commission to Ensure Consumer Information and Choice in the Airline Industry VIA FACSIMILE Dear Mr. Fahy: I am writing because I am concerned that the concerns of the "brick and mortar" travel agents will result in protectionist measures that will threaten the growing [...]

By |2015-02-12T09:16:24-05:00June 16th, 2006|Uncategorized|

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

RFID:  The "EZ-Pass" of goods in the marketplace, from producer through to consumer. Just as drivers have grown to depend upon EZ-Pass technology to breeze through toll booths, manufacturers, retailers, and government agencies envision similar benefits in RFID technology, ultimately increasing choices and lowering costs.  These small tags can be [...]

By |2016-12-21T00:15:42-05:00June 15th, 2006|Uncategorized|
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