1 December: Five Stories You Need to Read

Yahoo!News reports that Microsoft and Novell have already contacted more than 100 potential customers in the United States and Europe to sell interoperability deals between SuSE Linux and Windows.  According to Susan Heystee, Novell's newly appointed head of the controversial partnership, the reception has been “extremely positive”. The Economist writes [...]

By |2016-12-21T00:15:38-05:00December 1st, 2006|Blog, Uncategorized|

30 November – Five Stories You Need to Read

Yahoo!News has an interesting article on Net Neutrality.  According to Yahoo!, “[w]hile this past year, AT&T and Verizon pursued both national and state legislation, they now seem determined to focus on state legislation as a way to bypass Net Neutrality requirements.  This month they focused on Michigan, yet they'll quickly [...]

By |2006-11-30T15:17:00-05:00November 30th, 2006|Blog, Uncategorized|

29 November – Five Stories You Need to Read

Internetnews.com reports that “[o]ne of the most notable changes to Office 2007, its Ribbon interface, is now available to software developers wishing to adopt a similar look and feel for their applications”. According to Inc.com, the Small Business Administration seeks to prevent corporations from landing small-business contracts.  Earlier this month, [...]

By |2016-12-21T00:15:38-05:00November 29th, 2006|Blog, Uncategorized|

28 November – Five Stories You Need to Read

According to CNET News, the U.S. Appeals Court for the Seventh Circuit recently declared that the “GPL and open-source have nothing to fear from the antitrust laws”.  The court’s verdict came in response to a federal complaint charging IBM, Red Hat and Novell with conspiring to thwart competition in the [...]

By |2016-12-21T00:15:38-05:00November 28th, 2006|Blog, Uncategorized|

21 November – Three Stories You Need to Read

BBC News published an interesting article today on new US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s intention to review financial market rules. According to the BBC, Paulson wants to achieve a regulatory balance that is “agile” and “responsive to changes in today’s marketplace”.  Paulson also aims to make changes to the way [...]

By |2006-11-21T17:04:13-05:00November 21st, 2006|Blog, Uncategorized|
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