12 January – Five Stories You Need to Read

Ars Technica points out that Apple is now the strongest pro-DRM force in digital media. The Seattle Times reports that “[l]awyers [are] puzzled why Apple would go into [a] skirmish with Cisco”. According to NetworkWorld, “[s]ome Web site operators are complaining that Google is flagging their sites as containing malicious [...]

By |2007-01-12T17:57:08-05:00January 12th, 2007|Blog, Uncategorized|

11 January – Five Stories You Need to Read

InfoWorld reports that “[o]ffshoring of software development by software companies is not costing Americans jobs, according to a report being announced Thursday by the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA).” ZDNet has an interesting article on the downside risks of Google as a public service. In an unrelated story, ZDNet [...]

By |2016-12-21T00:15:37-05:00January 11th, 2007|Blog, Uncategorized|

10 January – Five Stories You Need to Read

The Washington Times reports that “[t]he U.S. Supreme Court yesterday made it easier to challenge the patents of drug maker Genentech Inc. and other companies that receive royalties on their products.” According to the BBC News, “[t]he EU's laws on labor migration are being tested by a court case about [...]

By |2007-01-10T18:34:59-05:00January 10th, 2007|Blog, Uncategorized|

9 January – Five Stories You Need to Read

CNetNews.com reports that “Quaero, the pan-European search effort intended to rival Google, has seen the German government withdraw its support. At the same time, the EC has promised $11.05 million to a rival local search project, Pharos.” In a different story, CNetNews.com writes that “Linden Lab on Monday released as [...]

By |2007-01-09T18:18:34-05:00January 9th, 2007|Blog, Uncategorized|

8 January – Five Stories You Need to Read

Yahoo!News writes that Apple “CEO Steve Jobs and other Apple execs [are] facing a New Year’s hangover of antitrust lawsuits, software holes, and a nagging SEC investigation into stock-option irregularities” which together “threaten to undermine longtime strengths for the company.” According to eWeek.com, “VeriSign and Adobe Systems will collaborate on [...]

By |2016-12-21T00:15:37-05:00January 8th, 2007|Blog, Uncategorized|
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