It’s Long Overdue That We Prioritize Disability Access in Technology Regulation Debates

Artificial intelligence (AI) is powering a wide variety of accessibility tools and features for Americans to address an array of disabilities. For those of us with hearing impairment, voice recognition programs transcribe speeches and lectures in real-time. Meanwhile, facial and object recognition software helps translate a user’s surroundings so that [...]

By |2024-11-13T15:35:30-05:00November 13th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence/AI, Blog, Innovation and IP, Trends|

A Scroll Down Memory Lane: October 2024’s Member Mondays

ACT | The App Association’s members are at the forefront of innovation, leveraging technology to create meaningful solutions that drive positive change. Each month, we spotlight these trailblazing small businesses through our Member Monday series. In honor of Cybersecurity Awareness Month, October’s featured members spotlight the tools, resources, and innovations [...]

IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED: Safeguarding Sensitive Data in the Age of Increasing Cyber Threats

“We regret to inform you that a vendor was hacked, exposing our customers' personal information.” For many, this sentence has become all too familiar. As technology becomes more deeply integrated into every aspect of our lives, the rising tide of data breaches threatens the security of personal information. The startling [...]

A Scroll Down Memory Lane: September 2024’s Member Mondays

ACT | The App Association’s members are at the forefront of innovation, leveraging technology to create meaningful solutions that drive positive change. Each month, we spotlight these trailblazing small businesses through our Member Monday series. Throughout September, or SEPstember as we like to call it, we introduced you to a [...]

Broadband Equity: What a COVID Accessibility Program Told Us About Disproportionate Access

The global pandemic of 2020 did more than disrupt our daily lives—it unraveled fragile seams in our national fabric. Suddenly, our world became more isolated, restricted, and dependent on technology than ever before. Schools, once teeming with talkative students, grocery stores where old friends would meet by chance, and parks [...]

By |2024-10-07T14:58:50-04:00October 2nd, 2024|Blog, Broadband, Trends|
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