Tour d’Europe des App Makers – France

English version Le 13 juillet 2021, ACT | The App Association a poursuivi son Tour d’Europe des App Makers . Lors de notre troisième étape en France, des développeurs d'applications locaux, des décideurs politiques, des représentants de l'industrie et des régulateurs ont discuté de l'économie des applications en France et [...]

AppCon’21: Return of the M.A.C. (Mini AppCon)

Every year members of ACT | The App Association make the trip from every corner of the United States to our nation’s capital for three days of education and advocacy. Enter: 2020, COVID-19, and our first totally virtual AppCon! AppCon’20 spanned across five weeks – weeks one through four were [...]

An Update on the Digital Services Act: SMEs Urge European Commission and Parliament to Ensure Proportionality

The European Parliament's Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) met on 21 June to discuss the proposed regulation of online platforms and digital service providers, the Digital Services Act (DSA). ACT | The App Association has concerns that some of the provisions Member of the European Parliament (MEP) [...]

Bills, Bills, Bills: What Developers Need to Know About the Legislative Package from the House Judiciary Antitrust Subcommittee

Last week, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Commercial, and Administrative Law introduced draft legislation aimed at regulating “Big Tech” after a year-plus investigation of competition in digital markets. The legislative package largely stems from information gathered through witness testimony, documents, and interviews captured in the more than 500 page [...]

By |2021-06-17T11:08:55-04:00June 15th, 2021|App Economy, Blog, Competition, Tech Regulation|
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