ACTivists for Change: An Open Letter to Policymakers in the European Union

  Letter Summary In this letter, ACT | The App Association and a sampling of our European Union (EU)-based member companies urge EU policymakers to adopt forward-thinking, balanced regulatory frameworks that empower small businesses to thrive while addressing emerging risks. Our members are at the forefront of innovation across industries, [...]

ACTivists for Change: An Open Letter to Policymakers in the United States

  ACT | The App Association and a sampling of our U.S.-based member companies urge U.S. policymakers to ensure that the regulatory environment empowers small businesses to thrive while addressing emerging risks. Our members are at the forefront of innovation that spans industries, however, they face significant barriers due to [...]

ACTivists for Change: An Open Letter to Policymakers in the United Kingdom

  ACT | The App Association and a sampling of our United Kingdom (UK)-based member companies urge UK policymakers to adopt forward-thinking, balanced regulatory frameworks that empower small businesses to thrive while addressing emerging risks. Our members are at the forefront of innovation across industries, but they face significant barriers [...]

2025 Global Policy Passport

Members of ACT | The App Association are innovative small businesses and independent developers driving change in the global app economy. From artificial intelligence and digital trade to connected health and decentralized technologies, our members build the tools and services that power today’s digital world. Just as a passport enables [...]

The Top Three SEP Takeaways from Ericsson v. Lenovo

  On October 24, 2024, the Federal Circuit took a key step in preventing standard-essential patent (SEP) holders from evading their voluntary commitments to license on fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory (FRAND) terms. By reversing a North Carolina federal court’s denial of Lenovo’s request for an anti-suit injunction (ASI) against Ericsson, [...]

By |2024-11-15T10:25:26-05:00November 15th, 2024|Blog, In the news, Innovation and IP, Patents, SEP, Standards|
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