Fifty-Two Small Business Members of ACT | The App Association Affirm Their Support for IEEE-SA’s 2015 Patent Policy

Earlier this year, the Board of Governors for the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) instituted a review of its 2015 Patent Policy Update regarding the licensing of standard-essential patents (SEPs). This month that process reached a pivotal moment when an overwhelming majority expressed support to retain the policy. Over 100 organizations [...]

By |2021-11-16T14:56:59-05:00November 15th, 2021|Blog, FRAND, Innovation and IP, IoT, Open Standards, Patents|

Does Off-the-Shelf Mean Off the Hook? Do Off-the-Shelf IoT Solutions Require a Licence for Standard-Essential Patents?

Commercially available off-the-shelf solutions for internet of things (IoT) applications are ready made internet-connected sensors that offer a convenient way for businesses to make their products smarter and more efficient. Let’s say a company makes irons, and they want to alert their customers on their smartphones when the iron is [...]

Member Spotlight: Cubik Innovation

Cubik Innovation, based in Bristol, United Kingdom (UK), helps companies make their electronic product concepts a reality. Managing director Paul Mullen and his team assist their customers in bringing innovative products to market by providing full support from specification and design, to prototype and software, and finally test and production. [...]

By |2021-09-17T09:36:05-04:00September 17th, 2021|App Economy, Blog, IoT, Member Spotlight, UK Member Spotlight|

The Tech Terms You Need to Know to Understand Standard-Essential Patents (SEPs)

We understand that patent and intellectual property (IP) law can be difficult, confusing, and – dare we say it – a bit dull. However, it is crucial that companies increase their understanding of these issues because IP is the lifeblood of tech businesses – especially for small companies. It enables [...]

America Needs a National 5G Strategy, Not Nationalized 5G

For decades, the world coveted America’s unparalleled entrepreneurial ecosystem and its innovation capacity. At every stage of the information technology revolution, America is an undisputed leader. Yet, instead of embracing the advantages of the American innovation ecosystem in the “Race to 5G,” the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) is exploring [...]

By |2020-11-02T09:41:53-05:00October 29th, 2020|Blog, Cybersecurity, IoT, Spectrum|
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