DOJ: Antitrust is in the Eye of The Beholder

United States Attorney General William Barr made headlines a few weeks ago when he announced the Department of Justice (DOJ) was actively investigating “Big Tech” over antitrust concerns. Pairing together “Big Tech” and “antitrust” is a veritable political Yahtzee these days, but the DOJ’s statements on antitrust are worth a [...]

By |2019-08-11T18:56:52-04:00August 11th, 2019|Blog, Courts|

Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) antitrust enforcement case against Qualcomm

In a highly-anticipated decision in the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) antitrust enforcement case against Qualcomm, U.S. District Court judge Lucy Koh found that Qualcomm’s licensing practices clearly violate U.S. antitrust law and rejected U.S. Department of Justice’s Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust Makan Delrahim’s newfangled legal theory that competition law [...]

By |2019-05-30T20:44:57-04:00May 30th, 2019|Blog, Competition, Courts|

Coalition Against Anticompetitive SEP Abuse Keeps Expanding After Apple/Qualcomm Settlement; Calls on Commerce Department and USPTO to Continue Bipartisan SEP Policies

The agreement Apple and Qualcomm announced last week may have ended direct litigation between the two companies, but it did nothing to address the growing threat to competition and innovation caused by anticompetitive abuse of standard-essential patents (SEPs) by Qualcomm and others. That is why the alliance of companies, organizations, [...]

By |2019-04-22T12:05:59-04:00April 22nd, 2019|Blog, Courts|
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