It’s Long Overdue That We Prioritize Disability Access in Technology Regulation Debates

Artificial intelligence (AI) is powering a wide variety of accessibility tools and features for Americans to address an array of disabilities. For those of us with hearing impairment, voice recognition programs transcribe speeches and lectures in real-time. Meanwhile, facial and object recognition software helps translate a user’s surroundings so that [...]

By |2024-11-13T15:35:30-05:00November 13th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence/AI, Blog, Innovation and IP, Trends|

Always Be Filing: ACT | The App Association and Connected Health Initiative Filing Activity

  October 2024 Throughout the year, our policy team submits filings with government bodies worldwide to advocate for a regulatory environment that inspires and rewards innovation. From issues around regulating artificial intelligence to digital trade, our team is ACTive on a wide range of topics that could have a positive [...]

Serving the Public Good with Nuanced AI Policymaking

Artificial intelligence (AI) is not just another tech trend. It holds tremendous promise for society. From detecting tumors invisible to the human eye to boosting food production yields and aiding wildlife conservation efforts, AI has already had a profound and tangible impact, with even greater potential ahead. In healthcare, AI [...]

By |2024-10-01T11:33:47-04:00October 1st, 2024|Artificial Intelligence/AI, Blog, Competition|
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