The AI Ecosystem: Dynamic, Competitive…and Misunderstood

  Reading into the recent rhetoric from some competition authorities, one might come away with the impression that the AI ecosystem is dominated by a handful of companies working to corner the market and entrench their positions. For example, the UK’s Competition & Markets Authority (CMA), in its April 2024 [...]

By |2025-01-13T10:43:55-05:00January 8th, 2025|Artificial Intelligence/AI, Blog, Competition|

Always Be Filing: ACT | The App Association Filing Activity December 2024

  Throughout the year, our policy team submits filings with government bodies worldwide to advocate for a regulatory environment that inspires and rewards innovation. From issues around regulating artificial intelligence to digital trade, our team is ACTive on a wide range of topics that could have a positive or negative [...]

Event Recap: Discussing AI, IoT, SEPs, and more at the Smart Cities Connect Conference

  On December 4, 2024, ACT | The App Association participated in the Smart Cities Connect Conference in Austin, Texas. The Smart Cities Connect Conference is the largest gathering of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and services companies working within cities around the globe. Our panel, moderated by Caitlin Irr [...]

Developer Community Spotlight: Q&A with Damián Tochetto

What happens when a small but mighty team of developers steps onto the global stage to talk about the future of technology in Argentina? For The Blue Box, a boutique software company with a passion for transforming ideas into innovative products, this was more than just another panel discussion—it was [...]

Event Recap: U.S. Leadership in Standards for Emerging Technologies and AI

As artificial intelligence (AI) and other critical emerging technologies (CETs) reshape industries and society, the United States faces a pivotal moment in defining its leadership role in global standards development. Earlier this month, ACT | The App Association, the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), and USTelecom | The Broadband Association convened [...]

By |2024-11-27T10:08:53-05:00November 27th, 2024|Artificial Intelligence/AI, Blog, Standards|
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