Don’t Make Small Businesses Your Beta Testers: Our Amicus Brief in Epic v. Google

  In many jurisdictions around the world, courts and policymakers see themselves as David-like underdogs against large platform Goliaths. But the reality is not so simple. When judicial power is used to reshape markets to limit one player’s dominance, there are unintended consequences for everyone in the ecosystem. In our [...]

By |2024-11-21T15:20:49-05:00October 25th, 2024|App Economy, Blog, Competition, Tech Regulation|

Statement from ACT | The App Association on Federal Circuit Appeals Decision in Ericsson v Lenovo on Standard Essential Patents (SEPs)

Today, the Federal Circuit took a significant step to curb standard essential patent (SEP) licensing abuses by vacating and remanding the lower court's decision. This decision follows ACT | The App Association recently filing an amicus brief on behalf of our small and medium-sized developer community in an appeal to [...]

By |2024-10-29T15:39:32-04:00October 24th, 2024|News, Statement|

Pre-Election Survey Shows Strong Support for a National Data Privacy Law & Other Small Business Priorities

In a new poll conducted by ACT | The App Association, likely voters share their tech policy priorities and express concern around current approaches to antitrust  Access poll results here Less than two weeks out from Election Day,  a new poll from the App Association and fielded by Embold Research [...]

By |2024-10-28T13:41:31-04:00October 24th, 2024|In the news, News, Press Release|

IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED: Safeguarding Sensitive Data in the Age of Increasing Cyber Threats

“We regret to inform you that a vendor was hacked, exposing our customers' personal information.” For many, this sentence has become all too familiar. As technology becomes more deeply integrated into every aspect of our lives, the rising tide of data breaches threatens the security of personal information. The startling [...]

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