About Caitlin Irr

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So far Caitlin Irr has created 112 blog entries.

Understanding the CRA: An update

Earlier this summer, we outlined the ins and outs of Europe’s Cyber Resilience Act (CRA), including our four main concerns, particularly in relation to small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) like our member companies. Since then, both the European Parliament’s (EP) Committee on Industry, Research, and Energy (ITRE) and the EU Council, [...]

By |2024-09-06T13:23:27-04:00September 19th, 2023|App Economy, Blog, Cybersecurity, European Union, Policy, Trends, United Kingdom|

Charting New Waters: Supporting Underrepresented Innovators for Talk Like a Pirate Day

International Talk Like a Pirate Day (TLAPD) emerged in the mid-‘90s as a day for people across the globe to “talk and act like pirates for the day,” and although this somewhat unserious observance started as a joke by two friends, we appreciate the opportunity to celebrate the importance of [...]

By , |2023-09-18T15:51:48-04:00September 18th, 2023|Amplify, App Economy, Blog, copyright, Innovation and IP, Piracy, Policy, Trends|

Lost in the Consumer Protection Forest: The Case for Cracking One Nut at a Time

ACT | The App Association has been calling for “The Year of Privacy” since at least 2017, with the hopes that lawmakers in the United States would pass a national privacy law to protect people of all ages who use technology. Despite the fact that we have yet to see [...]

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