I’d like to invite ACT blog readers to a lunch panel discussion next Tuesday on copyright law and space shifting – and for the geek in you, live demonstrations of the Slingbox, a Windows Media Center tied to the XBox 360, and Apple TV.

Space shifting
includes such activities as copying music from a CD to an MP3 file for use on a
portable player or watching your local television broadcast on a computer
located outside your home. Essentially it’s using digital content on a device other than
the one for which it was originally intended.
We’ll discuss space
shifting, its legal implications (including how/if litigation between wary parties can be avoided) and suggestions for continued success in
bringing consumers cool stuff. 

lunch discussion will feature Morgan Reed and
Debbie Rose of ACT (Debbie was on last week’s TLF podcast about file sharing), Gigi
Sohn of Public Knowledge, and Patrick Ross of the Copyright Alliance.

Details: Tuesday, October 23,
B340 House Rayburn. email or RSVP to
mmoskal at actonline dot org