I felt like I was reading a story from the future when I read this lead from a news article about a Microsoft exec. pleading why desktop software is still relevant:

A top Microsoft executive defended desktop application software, the
source of the company’s revenue for three decades, arguing on Tuesday
that even services-based companies such as Google still need it.

But then I just realized that I’m old, and time and the competitive software marketplace has moved quickly the past few years.

Nevertheless, I’m so intrigued by all the new business models that are vying for both the business customer and consumers like you and me that I’m currently writing a paper on it. My public policy bent is nuanced, but relevant: do new business models (not a single technology, not a specific technology, but a particular way of doing business like licensing, services, ad-based) need a regulatory helping hand to compete? I’m talking about interoperability mandates, spectrum auction rules, standards…you get the drift. Of course, I’m going to have to say that even if you can think of a reason for antitrust regulation, FCC intervention, etc., there are countervailing reasons against government regulation that are likely more compelling. Back to paper writing….