ACT president Jonathan Zuck took part in yesterday’s Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers meeting in Washington to discuss "Institutional Confidence" as the organization looks toward a future without US government oversight.  Jonathan expressed our belief that ICANN has never really addressed the concerns of industry, civil society, and the US government.

While ICANN has instituted programs and processes to address some of these concerns, it has done little to provide metrics or tests to ensure that these measure have or will work.  ICANN chairman, Peter Dengate Thrush agreed in pricinple with Jonathan on this point, saying:

"Things that are measured get done"

Zuck also criticised the relatively useless mechanism created for ensuring accoutability of the Board.  As PC World quoted Jonathan,

"The proposal to ask the board to
reconsider a decision appears "ineffective," while the removal of the
entire board seems "extreme."