Oh. Heck. Yes.  I
love, love, love this video.  It’s a
trailer for “SuperNews,” an animated show that will on the on the Current
network tomorrow. (Thankfully, full episodes are available online since my
old-fashioned cable doesn’t carry the network. 
Apparently Current is only delivered to the homes of you people who get
your programming via the mysteries of the cosmos, i.e., satellite.) I’ve been
known to rail against Twitter myself, which is why I find the video so funny.
But in my case, it’s really about Twitter users who feed their tweets into
Facebook and other places where I didn’t ask for it to be.

But here there are commenters who use Twitter and are
getting really bent out of shape about what they consider a rip on them. Simma
dahn nah, Twitterers.  Yes, I’m sure that
you use it for all of the “right” purposes and aren’t just “shouting randomly
into the darkness” about the parking situation at the mall, how you can’t find
your other blue sock, or that you’re “watching Grey’s Anatomy!!!!!!!”  You have “real” things to say. Important
things.  You’re actually
COMMUNICATING.  And good for you.  But you know what? The majority of people out
there are aren’t necessarily as tech-savvy as you are, and their lives are full
of normal activities like, say, picking up the dry-cleaning, making dinner for
their family, and watching television shows that you find pedestrian. They don’t
care about Eric Idle’s witticisms, or having “conversations” with someone about
“a New York drag performer,” and they don’t gauge their level of cool based on
those things. And if using technology like Twitter to let people know about
their boring-by-comparison lives disagrees with you, you can ignore it.

We all use technology for different purposes, and that’s
just fine.  And that’s the beauty of the
market—you choose what you like, I’ll choose what I like, and the stuff that
nobody likes will fade away. (Dear Classmates.com, You’re irrelevant.
Sincerely, Facebook.com.)

In the meantime, if you don’t like people’s tweets, why don’t
you put that tech-savviness to use by employing the “delete” button?