In “Back to the Future Part II,” October 21, 2015, is the day Marty McFly arrives in a future filled with shoes that tie themselves and flying cars. We might not have those (yet), but a bunch of the movie’s prognostications of 2015 – including flat-screen TVs, 3D movies, and video conferencing – have come true.
We also now have smart, connected homes and biometric identification (Hello? Hello? Think, McFly, think! – iPhone thumbprint scanners).
And while we may not have the U.S. Weather Service to precisely control our weather, we do have mobile apps that provide down-to-the-minute precipitation alerts.
Last but not least, “Back to the Future Part II” has the Chicago Cubs winning the 2015 World Series…and in real life, the Chicago Cubs will play in game four of the NLCS on October 21.