CNet News reports that Sun’s chief open-source officer has backed the third version of the General Public License. According to the publication, this comes as a surprise, “given Sun’s decision last month to release Java under version 2 of the GPL, which governs Linux and many other open-source products”.

Also in CNet News, Steve Ballmer discusses “life after Vista”.

Following Monday’s announcement that Novell will enable its customers to work with Microsoft Office documents, today features an interview on the subject with Novell’s director of marketing, Justin Steinman.

According to one Wall Street analyst quoted in, it is “almost certain” that Apple Computer will begin production of its long-anticipated iPhone in January, and the company will unveil improvements to its iTV and the iPod at the same time.

The San Francisco Gate writes that “

[i]t’s a great idea to protect your business with a proper trademark” and gives advice on how to do so.