Find My Friends



Geoloqi and Find my Friends
Platform: Apple iOS and Android

The show floors at the sprawling halls of CES can be labyrinthine and difficult to navigate. If you are trying to track down friends who are exploring the show this can become a serious challenge. Location-based apps for Apple and Android offer an easy way for friends to find each other quickly and easily. Geoloqi launched last year through the industrious efforts of founder Amber Case receiving considerable acclaim and Apple followed suit with a similar offering, Find my Friends, following its iOS5 release. Both apps allow individuals to show specific friends their whereabouts on a map. There are plenty of options for which users can limit the sharing of their location information to one user or many; for a limited amount of time or for however long is desired. This has proven to be a very helpful way for friends to find each other when map directions or landmarks don’t suffice.

Be sure to catch Amber when she delivers the keynote address at SXSW this year!

Price: Free