Representing thousands of app developers, ACT applauds Apple’s proposed steps to address concerns raised by the use of location data on mobile phones.  The public outcry we are witnessing demonstrates that the technology industry must do more to make consumers confident in the security of their personal information. Apple has agreed to encrypt location data, explaining how and why it is being used while allowing users to opt out of location-based services.  It is important that customers are aware of what data is being used and affirmatively agree to its collection.

Google now needs to follow Apple’s lead and explain what they are doing with the data they collect on mobile phones.  Unfortunately, its track record instills little confidence in consumers after a series of high profile privacy violations.  Eavesdropping on family wifi networks, revealing users’ email contacts to social networks without providing an opt out, and profiling schoolchildren by collecting their social security numbers and place of birth as requirements for entry in a drawing contest has left many consumers understandably suspicious of Google’s concern for privacy.  Unfortunately, these incidents have led to a general distrust of smartphone privacy provisions.  App developers are now being negatively impacted by Google’s continued mistakes

Location-based services are among the most popular features on smartphones. Traffic apps and other location specific services are part of the explosive growth of the apps marketplace. With sales at $2 billion, expected to reach $38 within four years, the apps marketplace is one of the brightest areas of our economy.  Public confidence in the safety of personal information on smartphones is essential for the continued success of our country’s app developers. It is crucial that Google explains clearly to customers if and how their information is used so they can earn the trust of consumers and allow our apps economy to thrive.