Following today’s announcement and preliminary findings released by the European Commission on Apple’s compliance with the Digital Markets Act (DMA), ACT | The App Association issued the following statement:

“The European Commission’s preliminary findings against Apple, if enforced, threaten to further fragment the app economy and marketplace, increase compliance costs, and lead to fewer opportunities for small to mid-sized developers to reach consumers in the EU,” said Morgan Reed, President of ACT | The App Association. “In particular, the EC’s demand around interoperability could significantly impact cybersecurity and privacy protections put in place to protect consumers. Small and medium-sized enterprises like our members depend on the consumer trust and the dependability of the Apple App Store to reach a global market and any threat to the security and trust in app stores could significantly curtail their businesses.” 

Global regulators must ensure that competition-focused regulation actually benefits small businesses, not just punishes incumbents. We urge the European Commission to take a more balanced approach that fosters innovation and does not threaten the livelihood of small tech companies operating and doing business in the EU. 

About ACT | The App Association & Members

The App Association is a global trade association for small and medium-sized technology companies. Our members are entrepreneurs, innovators, and independent developers within the global app ecosystem that engage with verticals across every industry. We work with and for our members to promote a policy environment that rewards and inspires innovation while providing resources that help them raise capital, create jobs, and continue to build incredible technology.

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