WASHINGTON—ACT | The App Association today released the following statement from President Morgan Reed following the introduction of the National Science Foundation (NSF) AI Education Act and the Small Business AI Advancement Act in the House of Representatives. 

“ACT | The App Association commends Congress for its continued focus on advancing artificial intelligence (AI) legislative efforts through the NSF AI Education Act and the Small Business AI Advancement Act. Both bills reflect a vital commitment to fostering innovation, ensuring that the United States remains a global leader in AI development, research, and application. 

“The App Association supports the NSF AI Education Act and the Small Business AI Advancement Act for their crucial roles in advancing AI education and empowering small businesses. The NSF AI Education Act will enhance AI research and education through scholarships, Centers of Excellence, and collaboration between the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and NSF. The Small Business AI Advancement Act will help ensure that NIST will provide essential AI resources tailored to the needs of small businesses, enabling them to compete and innovate. 

“As small businesses in the app economy, App Association members have a comparative advantage in agility over their larger counterparts. They are leading the way in developing, adapting, and deploying AI tools across virtually all industries. These bills will help ensure that AI education and resources are available to all businesses and innovators, regardless of size. We urge Congress to pass these essential pieces of legislation, reinforcing the role of education and small business empowerment in the broader AI ecosystem.”