This video explains some of the grants and funding options in the UK designed to help smaller businesses grow!

For small businesses, accessing funding can be crucial in taking the next step toward growth. The good news is that there are plenty of funding opportunities available for businesses looking to innovate. The bad news is that the funding landscape is complex, with several options out there with varying degrees of accessibility.

In this video, we interview Sandy Findlay, Partnership Director at funding specialists ABGI, for a look at the UK’s complex funding environment. This resource will help get you started with maximising the benefit from existing schemes like R&D tax relief, accessing new services such as Patent Box, and accessing grant funding.

If you would like to speak to ABGI please email Sandy Findlay at  Your initial conversation is free and mention you are an ACT | The App Association Member for 10% off any resulting work.

00:00 Introduction

01:33 About our speakers ABGI

03:18 Funding through a project lifecycle

04:32 A word on grant funding

07:33 R&D tax relief

15:48 Patent Box

23:12 Advice for software and app developers

30:15 Advice for manufacturers

33:11 First steps to take

34:36 Defence and security accelerator (DASA)