BBC News published an interesting article today on new US Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson’s intention to review financial market rules. According to the BBC, Paulson wants to achieve a regulatory balance that is “agile” and “responsive to changes in today’s marketplace”.  Paulson also aims to make changes to the way Sarbanes Oxley is enforced.

In eWeek, Steven J. Vaughan-Nichols observes that while Novell’s deal with Microsoft “may not sit well with open-source idealists, […] it is not a betrayal of Linux”.  What matters, he says, is that Linux and open-source software have become part of the business world–it’s no longer “good, little Linux versus the big, bad corporations.” 

Finally, CNET reports that according to a court filing issued by federal and state prosecutors today, Microsoft’s soon-to-be-released Windows Vista operating system does not appear to raise antitrust concerns.