The Register reports that “[t]he Netherlands has joined Scandinavian led action against Apple’s digital rights management lock on its iPod device and iTunes software.”

In an unrelated story, The Register points out that “[t]o date, IDC has estimated Windows Vista will create 37,000 new jobs and generate $15.5bn in related products and services across just four US states.”

In yet another story, The Register writes that “BT has still not done enough to fulfill the requirements of the General Public License, according to the Freedom Taskforce.”

According to, “Chinese Communist Party chief Hu Jintao has vowed to ‘purify’ the Internet, state media reported on Wednesday, describing a top-level meeting that discussed ways to master the country’s sprawling, unruly online population.”

The International Herald Tribune reports that “John Chambers, chief executive of Cisco Systems, on Wednesday described his company’s lawsuit against Apple over the use of the name iPhone as a ‘minor skirmish’ that could have been avoided if Apple had been willing to negotiate.”