According to a new study released by our friend Rob Atkinson at the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF), the integration of information technology throughout the economy and society is "creating a digitally-enabled economy that is responsible for generating the lion’s share of economic growth and prosperity, both here and abroad, including in developing nations."

While others are focusing research solely on ways to improve domestic information technology industries, ITIF decided to look more broadly about the value and impact of IT to economies.  And not surprisingly, it is the implementation of IT within other industries (not the IT industry itself), that is the real engine for economic growth around the world. 

With this new report entitled "Digital Prosperity: Understanding the Economic Benefits of the Information Technology Revolution," Atkinson once again demonstrates why he is a thought-leader on economic and innovation policy.  In fact, the study was covered extensively in yesterday’s New York Times.  The report has some interesting findings, and we at ACT are looking forward to diving into the entire 60+ pages.