In a piece in the Washington Post, Viacom general counsel Michael Fricklas steps into the discussion about the DMCA triggered by Viacom’s lawsuit against Google, explaining that “

[w]hat the DMCA doesn’t do is protect YouTube” because “[i]t is far more than the kind of passive Web host or e-mail service the DMCA protects — it is an entertainment destination.”

The Register reports that according to Mozilla’s security chief, security researchers have too much power.

According to MNSBC, “Neiman Marcus Group Inc. is suing a pair of domain name companies, accusing them of improperly registering more than 40 Internet addresses that resemble the department store chain’s trademarks.”

In an article entitled “Google’s expansion is coming at a price: it’s losing its popularity”, the Guardian points out that “as Google expands into new areas across the media landscape, threatening companies far beyond Microsoft, it is also attracting some of the fear and loathing with which [Bill] Gates is all too familiar.”

eWeek reports that Novell CEO Ron Hovsepian is unapologetic about the Microsoft deal. According to the publication, in an interview with eWeek Hovsepian “argued that it has been good for Linux adoption as well as for Novell, and pointed to several recent large deals that would not have happened had the agreement with Microsoft, of Redmond, Wash., not been in place. He also expects the longer-term financial fruits of the deal—such as improved market share and customer penetration—to show up within a year.”