According to the Mercury News, Team Silicon Valley, a new project organized by the Silicon Valley Leadership Group, is bringing together executives and legislators of the region “to build a stronger connection and accomplish mutual goals.” has an interesting story on Siberian town Akademgorodok, a former Soviet center for science which aims to become the new Silicon Valley.

Reuters reports that the second highest ranking EU Competition official has raised questions on Tuesday about whether competition authorities needed to regulate Apple’s iPod music players, saying that “[b]efore we jump in to regulate competition on the market it is worth asking whether competition is actually harmed.”  That certainly sounds like a good idea. points out that “NBC Universal and News Corporation’s announcement that they’ve partnered to distribute their video content across the Internet to anyone who’s willing to honor their copyright and split advertising revenue is just the latest piece of bad news for Google since it bought YouTube last year”, but Google is hoping that “the combined views of many millions of less popular user-generated videos will in fact generate more advertising revenue than the relatively few, if highly popular, copyrighted videos NBC and News Corp. will demand be removed.”

According to the Los Angeles Times, Bertelsmann said yesterday that it had finally settled “the last lawsuit filed by a record company over the German media conglomerate’s role in funding the original Napster electronic file swapping service that was once the scourge of the music industry."