Yahoo!News has an op-ed by Pat Cox in which he points out that “Europe’s Microsoft case goes too far”, with the European Commission in effect declaring “war on accepted international and European conventions regarding intellectual property rights, applying instead its own test (determined by the Directorate General for Competition) of what constitutes innovation and novelty as a measure of both value and worth.” Cox goes on to say that “

[a]ny company relying on such rights in its licensing arrangements should sit up and take notice. This may not be your problem today, but it could be some day.” writes that “[t]he European Commission may have decided against imposing new rules on radio frequency identification tags for now, but a top official warned Monday that regulations are likely if future uses of the technology don’t protect fundamental privacy rights.”

“In BusinessWeek online, Google CEO Eric Schmidt tries to fend off assertions that the search giant is unfairly dominant. In another Google story, ZDNet wonders whether Google can bring business intelligence to offline advertising.

In another Google story, ZDNet wonders whether Google can bring business intelligence to offline advertising.

Finally, Yahoo!News reports that, according to security company Fortify Software, “[m]any web applications written using the popular AJAX programming technique are vulnerable to a JavaScript hijacking attack.”