According to InfoWorld, “

[a] security researcher at Juniper Networks says he plans to demonstrate a new class of attack that can be used to compromise electronic devices like routers or mobile phones.”  InfoWorld states that “[t]he vulnerability lies in the ARM and XScale microprocessors, two chips that are widely used in these ‘embedded’ devices.”

Yahoo!News reports that “[e]xecutives at Chinese Internet company have examined a new product from Google and found what they believe are striking similarities with one of their own products, opening the door to possible legal action.”

The Seattle Times writes that today, Microsoft spread “word that it, too, is negotiating with EMI and other labels to lift copy protection from music” sold on its Zune Marketplace.

The Register points out that UK businesses are still reluctant to report cybercrimes, with [a] third of them failing “to report information security crimes and breaches, according to a new survey.”

The Silicon Valley Watcher today looks at a new report by McKinsey which finds that “businesses are embracing web services, social networking and all means of having computers connect them with their customers. But they don’t like blogs.”