CIO Insight has an interesting article today on IT’s top 81 R&D spenders. reports that Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate introduced identical patent reform bills today.

According to, “[s]ocial-networking site MySpace is venturing into the increasingly crowded news aggregation business.”  […]  A test version of MySpace News is expected to launch on Thursday and will debut with some of the same features offered by the top aggregation sites.”

The Mercury News writes that “[a] human rights group sued Yahoo Wednesday on grounds the search company assisted China’s communist government with torture by revealing information that led to the arrest of dissidents.”

The International Herald Tribune reports that “EBay posted better-than-expected profit in the first quarter as several of its newer businesses compensated for disappointing results in its mainstay auction service.  The faster-growing units include, a price comparison site; some classified listing sites; a service to let online merchants accept credit cards; and Skype, the online voice chat service.”