The New York Times reports that “[t]he Internet phone company Vonage Holdings said on Tuesday that it was seeking a retrial of a patent infringement case against the company in light of a landmark patent ruling by the Supreme Court on Monday.

According to the Washington Post, “[m]embers of a House committee charged yesterday that a five-year, $1.2 billion program to expand broadband Internet services to rural communities has missed many unserved areas while channeling hundreds of millions of dollars in subsidized loans to companies in places where service already exists.”

British publication The Register writes that “Internet providers’ trade association ISPA has told its members to stop advertising ‘unlimited’ broadband unless they are explicit and transparent about their fair use policies.” today discusses “[w]hy Apple should acquire AMD.”

The Mercury News reports that New York City’s comptroller said yesterday “Google and Yahoo should adopt policies to protect privacy and human rights in countries with authoritarian governments.”