New York Times reporter Brad Stone outed one of our favorite bloggers, Fake Steve Jobs, today.  I couldn’t agree more with Larry Dignan of CNET who wrote:

I’ll still read Lyons, but I really didn’t want to know who Fake Steve was. I feel almost as crappy as I did when I learned Santa didn’t exist.

Thanks for peeing in our pool, Brad!  Thousands of us 30 and 40-something adolescents dared to believe in FSJ and imagine who was behind the wheel.  Unfortunately, you missed the point.  Just because we  asked the question, didn’t mean we wanted an answer.

That said, if you’re still on your crusade to kill off the web’s mythical characters, I have a suggestion for your next target.

Update: Pot Meet Kettle.  PJ is now railing on Mr. Lyons for being a hypocrite.  Seems that Lyons wrote an article for Forbes lambasting anonymous bloggers awhile back.  Definitely hypocritical…but not nearly as hypocritical as PJ being all high-and-mighty about it. 

What is really surprising is that she found a way to insinuate that FSJ was all part of some Microsoft-led conspiracy…never saw that one coming 😉