WASHINGTON – ACT | The App Association today released the following statement from President Morgan Reed after Rep. Haley Stevens released the draft Expanding Partnerships for Innovation and Competitiveness Act.

“As small businesses in the app economy, ACT | The App Association’s members have a comparative advantage in agility over their larger counterparts. They are leading the way in developing, adapting, and deploying artificial intelligence (AI) tools across virtually all industries. Robust standards create a stable foundation that enables small businesses to continue leading and creating jobs across the nation and around the world. It is essential for Congress to ensure the federal government, through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), has the resources necessary to carry out its contributory role in standards development. In view of these considerations, the App Association supports the Expanding Partnerships for Innovation and Competitiveness Act.

“While NIST’s role is not to set standards themselves or make judgments about which standards are better than others for any particular purpose, it is indispensable as a convener, contributor, and facilitator of metrology. Unfortunately, NIST is underfunded. This proposal is a creative solution to help secure the necessary funding for NIST initiatives while upholding ethical standards.

“We urge Congress to pass this bill and support the facilitation and advancement of technical standards development through a well-funded and effective NIST.”